Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Unimportant" Days

July 26...November 8...June 8...August 7...February 3...

These are important dates in my life. Ever since grade school, this is why I hated history. Not because of the history but because of the dates. Give me 100 vocabulary words and DONE A+ but you give me a few dates to memorize and I'm burnt toast.

We've naturally been raised to put great emphasis on important dates. Birthdates, Anniversaries, Salvation birthdates...trust me, my calendar is near and dear to my heart (and my sanity). Dates are circled, highlighted and underlined three times so that I won't forget! But what about the "unimportant"? The blank squares in your calendar, dates that aren't written in red, circled, highlighted, and underlined three times? Pslam 68:19 says, "Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up; God is our salvation." Reading this, and being my calendaring-type-A-self, the visual in my mind is God's calendar with every.single.day highlighted and circled. God daily bears us up, he opens doors of opportunities for us every.single.day. There aren't those days-He-doesn't-have-anything-to-do...you know, those days that we yearn for.

Going into this week, I had one thing on my mind. Be intentional with Brooklynn. And no, I'm not the perfect parent that goes into each day with that as my goal. On Sunday, we leave to serve the people of Harmons, Jamaica and will be gone 7 days. The longest I've been without Brooklynn is 2. To top it off, we can't FaceTime, talk, or have pictures sent to my phone to keep my blood pumpin'. It's going to be tragic. SO, this week, I'm putting down the phone, the computer (she's sleeping right now, by the way ;), setting aside the dirty clean piles of laundry to play outside or just welcome her presence as she crawls all over my face.

What would happen if we all circled every day in our calendar as a day to be intentional about something or someone. I think it would change the direction of the Church and our own personal lives. Circle those un-important dates in your calendar and make them important to you! Our life is a vapor.

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