Thursday, March 12, 2015

TWon // Week 1

Now I'm not a speaker but I would imagine that kicking off a new series is usually a little ... difficult. Why? Because you're trying to introduce a new thought without covering everything else that you'll be talking about in later weeks so it becomes an "intro" and just that. But not last night. We hit the ground running right out of the gate with a testimony of one of our volunteers.

Thank you, Logan Terry, for sharing your story of redemption and how God used Himself along with instrumental people to help lift Logan out of his struggles. One key thing that Logan said that I loved was, "I thought I could do it [life] by myself". And that's was this series is about. Doing life together - two is better than one.

We win with Jesus & a local church.

It's not IF we encounter trouble but WHEN we encounter trouble. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In Genesis 1:31, we see that the Lord had finished creating the world and it was very good. In Genesis 2:18, we see the very first crisis in all the Bible..“It is not good for the man to be alone". If God didn't think it was a good idea for man to be alone, then we shouldn't be alone.


God wants you to do life with people. If He wanted you to do life by yourself. You'd be the only one here.

Boredom is the enemies playground.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. Ecclesiastes 4:9

Spiritual growth is better done in a CIRCLE [small group than in a row [church]. The church was never meant to be in ROWS but in CIRCLES. Christians are made in ROWS but disciples are made in CIRCLES. CIRCLES are stickier than ROWS: It's easier to skip out and not be noticed in church but not in small groups. It's easier to blend in in ROWS. We all NEED A CIRCLE! We do a great job of filling the church ROWS but not so much our small group CIRCLES.

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