Friday, March 20, 2015

Combing Out The Tangles

Hi friends! No Alive Wednesday night so no re-cap. We went over to the SNAEXP Tour with Passion Band & David Platt and well, if you missed it, I hate it for you. My bro-in-law explained it perfectly by saying that he can't imagine what Heaven will be like if it gets better than that. Agreed!

So, since there's no re-cap, I thought I'd share a little bit of what's being revealed to me during my personal QT. Sometimes my QT causes me to literally laugh..out loud. Why? Because He knows me so well.

In Romans 8:1-2, there's that passage that "I know" ("know" meaning I recognize the verse...not "know" as in I have instilled it in my heart and live by it daily). You know the one, the one that says that if we claim we are in Christ then there's no condemnation ...for we are now free from sin and death. It's a good one.

I condemn myself a lot. Actually, I like to make up things that I THINK people are condemning me for. So, in reality, I need more of the "no are free" part ingrained in my head on the daily. Just so we are clear here...condemning words are not from God. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of our tangles (I'll explain in a minute), it reminds us of God's promises to us using words such as: bought (1 Cor. 7:20), Holy (Gal. 4:19), or Justified (Romans 5:1) If you are unsure of your identity in Christ, scripture is full of His promises to you to remind you that you are not who people say you are but you are who HE says you are.

Occasionally, I'll read an excerpt from Jesus Calling during my QT. She used an illustration that hits home for me. Tangles. She states that the Holy Spirit works at "combing out tangles of deception". "YES! HAIR! Speakin' my love language and getting on my level!" Now, she wasn't necessarily talking about hair but this is where you buckle up your seatbelt and ride along with me and my brain. Tangles can be a multitude of things: sin, condemnation, an identity crisis, etc. I don't know about you (girls) but I probably have the.most.dangerous.set.of.knots.ever in my hair. My poor hair girl whom I love dearly. I feel so bad for her. It takes an intense conditioner and brush to get my tangles out. Sometimes I feel like that with the condemning words I speak over myself. It's a lot of work to comb through those tangles of deception and condemnation but if I don't do it, my identity becomes rooted in the world and not in Him.

As much as we wish we could just "brush things off", it's a little more work than that to combat condemning words. It's like trying to comb through my tangles with Brooklynn's comb. Not gonna happen. It takes daily speaking God's promises over ourselves. Knowing who He says we are. Letting HIM have His way with our minds, souls, & bodies. Not people. I'm always working on not letting people have that kinda power of me. He's a promise maker...promise keeper...(enter song)

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