Monday, January 27, 2014

36 Weeks

Sunday = Bumday, welcome to the end! Haha!

How far along? Starting week 37! 3 more weeks. Holy Cannoli.  
Total weight gain/loss: 38 lbs...slow down, girl!
Maternity clothes: I live in pajamas
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? Depends on the day. Some are good some are bad!
Miss Anything? Not being huge
Movement: Not as much as usual. I don't know how she'd have any room to move anyways.
Food cravings? Bojangles ;-)
Anything making you sick or queasy? I get queasy occasionally throughout the day. Normally if I sit and stare and the TV too much or I get too hot.
Gender: Girl
Symptoms: Just a lot of lower abdomen pain and a lot of cramps. 
Labor signs? Whenever I walk, I hurt. 
Belly button in or out? Still flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy & tired
Worst moment this week: I had my strep test Friday and the Dr. checked to see if I had any labor progress. Let's just say my lower body hated me for the rest of the day. 
Best moment this week: Winter Retreat!!
Looking forward to: Um...Summer?
Baby info: Baby doesn't seem to have grown since last week so fingers crossed she won't be a 10 lb.-er! Her liver and kidneys are fully functioning. By Sunday she'll be full-time!

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