Thursday, February 27, 2014

What I've learned about Brooklynn

As the "one month birthday" of our girl approaches, there are things about being Brooklynn's mom that I've been able to experience. Here's the top 10 good, better, and best moments with our little one.

1. I know babies are supposed to sleep on their backs...but I'm 100% certain they'd sleep through the night if they could sleep on their tummys. Brooklynn sleeps best on a chest...Husband's chest to be exact!

2. Newborns are a nightmare for those of us that like keeping a schedule. There's no such thing anymore. 

3. Every whimper at night freaks me out. "Is she choking?!"

4. I'm pretty sure B knows when we're watching her. She cries at night until I sit up then she stops. If I lay back down, she starts up again. Attention-driven, anyone?

5. She likes to choke herself by shoving her fist down her throat when she's hungry. I try to tell her that's not the way to go! 

6. She hates baths...until you wash her hair :-)

7. She always has her hands up in the air or by her face. This makes the whole "swaddle" business a nightmare -- you'll break a sweat.

8. Cluster feeding. Really?

9. She has ninja arms and legs. It's a feat to get her diaper on. She will straight karate kick you if you're too close.

10. When I feel like pulling my hair out, all she has to do is pucker up or smile and I'm good to go.

We really have been super blessed. She's such a good baby 99% of the time. She definitely has her diva moments but she's a girl ;-) 

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