Saturday, March 28, 2015

Favorite Posts of the Week

Hope you enjoy a little bit of this week's inspiration!

DIY Dollhouse by The Yellow Cape Cod
We don't buy Brooklynn toys. Not because we are bad parents but because she doesn't play with them. She'd rather carry around household items. However, there are two things I think she will eventually get. One being a play kitchen and Two being a dollhouse. I think I about fell over when I saw this. If you know anything about me, you know those big plastic obnoxious toys give me twitches. I'll be DIYing this, for sure.

A Functional and Pretty Vanity by The Small Things Blog
Funcation and pretty. My moto. Only thing left to mention is "simple." 

DIY Skin Firming Coffee Scrub by Rachel Talbott
Another title-catching post. Firming and coffee. I need both -- always. I'm eager to try this soon!

That's all for this week! And next week, too...our team leaves for a mission trip to Jamaica at 6:20am tomorrow! 

See you in a week!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Two is Won

Last night as we concluded, Two is Won, the challenge was given. Who's in your circle? Two weeks ago it was impressed upon our hearts that CIRCLES>ROWS. A major part of our spiritual growth is done in CIRCLES not ROWS! So, who's in your circle?

God's word not only reveals your present condition but shows you your future!

Your friends are a preview of your future. Show me your friends and I'll show you your future!

"Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 

The Lord grants us a promise and a warning about our circles. We will either grow wise or suffer.

Don't keep your circle closed. Don't keep people out. Your circles can adapt and they should. Does your circle look the same as it did a year ago? They shouldn't.

It's extremely hard to make a Godly decision in a sinful situation.

If you want to love Jesus more than you do now, surround yourselves with people that love Jesus more than you do. [If you surround yourselves with people that are healthy, you'll eventually be more healthy. If you surround yourselves with people that cuss/'ll eventually do that, too.]

God's WORD was not only meant to save you from PAST & PRESENT sins but SAVE you from POTENTIAL sins!

Are your friends pointing you towards Jesus or the world? We all need friends that point us towards Jesus and not towards hell. Are they encouraging you to attend church or skip out on it?

If your parents don't approve of your circle, Jesus probably doesn't either!

If you have friends that don't care about their lives, they are not going to be very concerned about yours.

"Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character." 1 Corinthians 15:33

Being around bad company can corrupt your CHARACTER! Who you hang around is who you will become! Friends come and go, Jesus comes and stays.

"As iron sharpens iron,so one person sharpens another." 
Proverbs 27:17

You either have friends that SHARPEN you or CUT you down and HARM you!

Take a look at your twitter followers, Facebook friends, instagram friends and ask yourself: How are these people influencing me? Are they bringing me closer to Christ?

If you want to know how to be a friend, Look at Jesus!

Jesus went to the grave to RAISE you to LIFE! Jesus came DOWN so that we could go UP!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Unimportant" Days

July 26...November 8...June 8...August 7...February 3...

These are important dates in my life. Ever since grade school, this is why I hated history. Not because of the history but because of the dates. Give me 100 vocabulary words and DONE A+ but you give me a few dates to memorize and I'm burnt toast.

We've naturally been raised to put great emphasis on important dates. Birthdates, Anniversaries, Salvation me, my calendar is near and dear to my heart (and my sanity). Dates are circled, highlighted and underlined three times so that I won't forget! But what about the "unimportant"? The blank squares in your calendar, dates that aren't written in red, circled, highlighted, and underlined three times? Pslam 68:19 says, "Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up; God is our salvation." Reading this, and being my calendaring-type-A-self, the visual in my mind is God's calendar with highlighted and circled. God daily bears us up, he opens doors of opportunities for us There aren't those days-He-doesn' know, those days that we yearn for.

Going into this week, I had one thing on my mind. Be intentional with Brooklynn. And no, I'm not the perfect parent that goes into each day with that as my goal. On Sunday, we leave to serve the people of Harmons, Jamaica and will be gone 7 days. The longest I've been without Brooklynn is 2. To top it off, we can't FaceTime, talk, or have pictures sent to my phone to keep my blood pumpin'. It's going to be tragic. SO, this week, I'm putting down the phone, the computer (she's sleeping right now, by the way ;), setting aside the dirty clean piles of laundry to play outside or just welcome her presence as she crawls all over my face.

What would happen if we all circled every day in our calendar as a day to be intentional about something or someone. I think it would change the direction of the Church and our own personal lives. Circle those un-important dates in your calendar and make them important to you! Our life is a vapor.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Favorite Posts of the Week

It's that time of the week again. A little inspiration to end your week and take you into next week!

Simple Tips For Taking Better Pictures by One Good Thing by Jillee
One thing that I could definitely be better at is taking pictures but here's the problem: laziness. Changing all the settings depending upon where you are and how much light/shutter you need...makes me tired just thinking about it. This post makes things very, how-to-take- pictures-for-dummies type of easy.

The Most Dangerous Spot at Target by Thrifty Decor Chick
If you've even just skimmed through my blog, you'll know why this post made the cut this week. I feel like Sarah and I relate on so many levels! She even shows you how she uses everything she found...double bonus:-D

It's no surprise to anyone that knows me (or my family) that we are coffee So, this Crazy Coffee post by The Pioneer Woman immediately made my mouth start watering. Just look at the recipe. You better believe I'll be trying this ASAP.

When I can't get to the gym, my go-to workouts are done at home using the Blogilates App on my Tablet. She also has a YouTube channel you can follow. Her Fat Flushing Detox Water post is good for two reasons. 1-It's good for people who don't like water & 2-It's good for people who are lazy. In other words, it's healthy and fast to throw together.

If there were two rooms in a house that I obsess over it's the kitchen and children's rooms. Apartment Therapy is one of my favorite blogs and this post, Golden Child, had me swooning. Aren't all of these rooms to die for?

Happy Almost-Monday!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Combing Out The Tangles

Hi friends! No Alive Wednesday night so no re-cap. We went over to the SNAEXP Tour with Passion Band & David Platt and well, if you missed it, I hate it for you. My bro-in-law explained it perfectly by saying that he can't imagine what Heaven will be like if it gets better than that. Agreed!

So, since there's no re-cap, I thought I'd share a little bit of what's being revealed to me during my personal QT. Sometimes my QT causes me to literally laugh..out loud. Why? Because He knows me so well.

In Romans 8:1-2, there's that passage that "I know" ("know" meaning I recognize the verse...not "know" as in I have instilled it in my heart and live by it daily). You know the one, the one that says that if we claim we are in Christ then there's no condemnation ...for we are now free from sin and death. It's a good one.

I condemn myself a lot. Actually, I like to make up things that I THINK people are condemning me for. So, in reality, I need more of the "no are free" part ingrained in my head on the daily. Just so we are clear here...condemning words are not from God. When the Holy Spirit convicts us of our tangles (I'll explain in a minute), it reminds us of God's promises to us using words such as: bought (1 Cor. 7:20), Holy (Gal. 4:19), or Justified (Romans 5:1) If you are unsure of your identity in Christ, scripture is full of His promises to you to remind you that you are not who people say you are but you are who HE says you are.

Occasionally, I'll read an excerpt from Jesus Calling during my QT. She used an illustration that hits home for me. Tangles. She states that the Holy Spirit works at "combing out tangles of deception". "YES! HAIR! Speakin' my love language and getting on my level!" Now, she wasn't necessarily talking about hair but this is where you buckle up your seatbelt and ride along with me and my brain. Tangles can be a multitude of things: sin, condemnation, an identity crisis, etc. I don't know about you (girls) but I probably have the.most.dangerous.set.of.knots.ever in my hair. My poor hair girl whom I love dearly. I feel so bad for her. It takes an intense conditioner and brush to get my tangles out. Sometimes I feel like that with the condemning words I speak over myself. It's a lot of work to comb through those tangles of deception and condemnation but if I don't do it, my identity becomes rooted in the world and not in Him.

As much as we wish we could just "brush things off", it's a little more work than that to combat condemning words. It's like trying to comb through my tangles with Brooklynn's comb. Not gonna happen. It takes daily speaking God's promises over ourselves. Knowing who He says we are. Letting HIM have His way with our minds, souls, & bodies. Not people. I'm always working on not letting people have that kinda power of me. He's a promise maker...promise keeper...(enter song)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Favorite Posts of the Week

I love Bloglovin'. If you're new to bloglovin', it's just an app that consolidates all of the blogs you follow into one spot. then saves your favorites. The only things I really ever read are blogs. They're fast, to the point (well, some), give inspiration, and they don't linger over your heads like books can until you finish them.

Today I'm sharing with you some of my favorite posts that I read this week! Maybe you can grab some inspiration from them, too!

I'm a sucker for before & afters and this couple does their "afters" so well. Their new new to me house puts me in "obsession mode" Can I have it? Please?!

Anything that is organized is music to my ears...or beauty to my eyes in this case. Aren't you jealous of this linen closet by Dear Lillie

If I had to pick a favorite blog, Pink Pistachio is probably up there in my top 3 to read. I trust her blog for family, fashion, and beauty! 

I think my favorite "mommy blog", if that's what they're called, is Little Baby Garvin. She always gives great ideas for things to do with kiddos. Especially over the holidays!

So, my favorite blog of all time is this one by Hugs and Punches and in this particular post, she hits [IMO] most moms and their struggle with having a quiet time, when we all know there's not really any "quiet time" in our day. This post is brilliant.

Enjoy reading, hope you received some inspiration on this nasty [weather] day!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

TWon // Week 1

Now I'm not a speaker but I would imagine that kicking off a new series is usually a little ... difficult. Why? Because you're trying to introduce a new thought without covering everything else that you'll be talking about in later weeks so it becomes an "intro" and just that. But not last night. We hit the ground running right out of the gate with a testimony of one of our volunteers.

Thank you, Logan Terry, for sharing your story of redemption and how God used Himself along with instrumental people to help lift Logan out of his struggles. One key thing that Logan said that I loved was, "I thought I could do it [life] by myself". And that's was this series is about. Doing life together - two is better than one.

We win with Jesus & a local church.

It's not IF we encounter trouble but WHEN we encounter trouble. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In Genesis 1:31, we see that the Lord had finished creating the world and it was very good. In Genesis 2:18, we see the very first crisis in all the Bible..“It is not good for the man to be alone". If God didn't think it was a good idea for man to be alone, then we shouldn't be alone.


God wants you to do life with people. If He wanted you to do life by yourself. You'd be the only one here.

Boredom is the enemies playground.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. Ecclesiastes 4:9

Spiritual growth is better done in a CIRCLE [small group than in a row [church]. The church was never meant to be in ROWS but in CIRCLES. Christians are made in ROWS but disciples are made in CIRCLES. CIRCLES are stickier than ROWS: It's easier to skip out and not be noticed in church but not in small groups. It's easier to blend in in ROWS. We all NEED A CIRCLE! We do a great job of filling the church ROWS but not so much our small group CIRCLES.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday Target Finds

This week my list going in was centered around Brooklynn's Easter basket & a few things for my skin.

Don't the bright colors make you so happy that warmer weather is coming?!

I didn't want to get a traditional Easter basket for Brooklynn because those just aren't as practical. I picked up this rubber container that I'll be able to reuse for other things after Easter.

A placemat for Brooklynn's mess, some bubbles, and the cutest mini-me tumbler. The thing I love about these tumblers, too? They have a straw that can't be removed from the lid! Score. Brooklynn loves whipping out the straws from our cups so her smoothie, and anything else, will fly everywhere. We aren't as amused as she is. 
I picked up some utensils for her, too, as she is starting to get the hang of using them herself. Another score for Mom! 

I also needed to repurchase my most-loved face product. The Ready Set Gorgeous foundation I'll talk more about that in another post.
I also needed a couple of travel sized containers for my new DIY cleansing routine for my skin. More on that, too, in another post. 

*Everything besides the foundation and the $2.99 placemat can be found in the dollar section!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Why "Circling Joy"?

I'm finally getting around to posting the long awaited, "why the name change?" post. It's been written for awhile now but, ya know, I hadn't hit "publish" yet.

If you aren't familiar with the book, Circle Maker by Mark Batterson, then the name change may not make sense to you. So, here's the readers digest version:
There is a legend, the legend of Honi the Circle Maker. It hadn't rained in Israel for an entire year. The people plead with the Lord for rain and when He didn't answer right away, they lost faith. Enter Honi, the rainmaker. He prayed inside his hut outside of Jerusalem. The people went and brought him into the city and crowds gathered to witness his prayers. He bowed his head, extended his staff and began to turn until he created a complete circle in which he was standing in. He dropped to his knees and prayed, "Sovereign Lord, I swear before your Great Name that I will not leave this circle until You have mercy upon your children." Needless to say, the rain fell, lightening flashed, and thunder clapped. A sprinkle to rain turned into a downpour. After being taught the power of prayer (and bold prayers at that) from Honi, the people now knew that one prayer could change their destiny. The people circled the sad, the sick, the young and old, their dreams, fears, and promises of God. {paraphrased from the Circle Maker}
I'd been contemplating a name change for this blog for awhile now but was never sure which direction I wanted to go in since this blog is a plethora of things from babies to church and from beauty to life.  For a Christmas gift, my brother Stephen bought me Praying Circles Around the Lives of Your Children by Mark Batterson. As I began to read about praying circles and combining that with my journey to finding joy regardless of the situations I'm in, Circling Joy was born. I want to be the person that circles my babies (no, there's still only one baby...but you know what I mean), my church, my passion for fashion and beauty, and my life with not only the will of Jesus but also with Joy. If we pray joy (jesus, others, yourself) on our lives, I feel we are accomplishing the will of God.

My hope and prayer for myself, and you, is that you will circle joy through times of laughter and times of pain. Circle your prayers as the people of Israel did...remember, we serve the same God and He's in the answering-prayers-business!

Oh, and if your a parent, go grab that book NOW! I'm not a reader, but this book is a must-read! It's practical for raising kids in Jesus and gives excellent examples for how to do so!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Relationship Status // Week 4

Last night we wrapped up Relationship Status with talking about what happens when you've messed up. Do we cover it up or confess it up? An encouraging message on not giving up because you may have messed up. Sin may damage your intimacy with God but never removes the relationship that you have with Him. 

Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:2-11
Jesus doesn't broadcast your sins before man but saved you from them and put them on the cross. 
There's an eternal punishment to accompany our sin. Jesus took this punishment from us. 
Some may think that they haven't messed up. But we've all messed up. Scripture says that anyone who merely LOOKS at another lustfully has committed adultery in their heart. So, whether we like it or not, we've all committed adultery. 
We like to categorize sins. Lying, Alcohol abuse, Sleeping around...though we like to consider one ranking higher than the other, God's view of them all is the same

Before we think about picking up a stone, we should pick up a mirror. We want to always point out other people's mess, yet we don't clean up our own mess.

We should be known by how we love and not by how we judge. Hate the sin - love the sinner.

At one point in our lives it will come down to me & Jesus. You won't stand accountable to your peers but to Jesus. Let's please Him and not other people.

Jesus wants you to leave your life of sin and follow Him! The only one worthy of throwing a stone was Jesus...and He didn't do it.

 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday Target Finds

It's no secret that my love for this place runs deep. Like, if it were allowed and not considered against the law, I'd bring my bed and move in (probably right between the shoe department and home decor with the aisle access to the beauty department). I know, I've reached a point of insanity. My week isn't complete until we've visited at least once twice and I'm starting to feel like it is the same way for Brooklynn (just bringing her up in the way she should's biblical, ya'll). It's a hard battle because  it makes Brooklynn and I oh so happy yet sometimes can bring hatred in my husband's heart, I'm sure,  because we've linked up our bank accounts with this place. Literally.


Most trips to Target are to get things I really do need...Well, I guess I could go without these things but I'd probably smell real bad and have bad breath and my child wouldn't have anything to use the bathroom in...

But sometimes that darn dollar section just gets me. More like it gets me every.single.time. It's like the angels begin singing when I walk through the door and see that section. Shame on you, Target dollar section for playing games with my wallet! I know I may sound crazy but I also know that some of you are staring at this nodding your heads and raising your arms. Amen?

I thought this would be fun, since I live visit Target weekly, to share some fun finds with you. Why not, right? 

All of these finds are, yes, from the dollar section :-/

Happy Easter signs that are a cheap way to decorate my mantle for Easter. Normally, unless it's Christmas or the Fall season, I don't go all out and decorate; I just place cute things here and there and these accomplish that goal for me. 

Is anyone else a fan of little notepads and to-do lists to make your desk pretty? Me too.

Brooklynn's new summer hat...if she'll keep it on her head...

I've placed my coffee in this cork-topped-container...that's what it's called, right? :)

A piggy bank for something that we like to instill in Brooklynn. I may blog that later but it has to do with money...and people don't like reading my "talks" on money ;) ;) ;)

And lastly, a cute lantern...because it was cute.

Now, fast...and with your bank accounts permission, go grab some cute stuff from your dollar section!
Happy Target shopping!