Thursday, June 11, 2015

Uses for Coconut Oil


I gave into the hype of Coconut Oil several months ago and can attest that the This little jar aids in improving brain health (Alzheimers), infections, disease, & heart problems. It also ncreases digestion, metabolism, burns fat, increases energy, helps in the function of your thyroid, and on and on and on. According to research, populations (in the South Pacific) that eat the most Coconut are said to be the healthiest...just food for thought, literally. 

There are numerous uses for Coconut Oil - some that I use and some that I don't. I keep a jar in my bathroom and a jar in the kitchen. Should probably keep a jar in my car and a jar in my purse, too. Okay, my love is great but not that intense. Here's some of the ways that I use coconut oil.

Makeup Remover
When I have a lot of makeup on my face ... which really is hardly ever, I'll use it to remove my makeup. I always use it to remove my eye makeup because it melts everything off and moisturizes your lashes. We moisturize our hair, face, and body but often neglect our lashes -- enter CO.

Hair Mask
I have very dry hair. I get highlights in my hair about four times during the year but because my hair is naturally on the dry side, I need a little help from CO. Since I'm impatient and time between a beauty routine and a toddler is not evenly split, I can't afford to leave a mask on my hair for hours on end SO I'll jump in the shower, shampoo my hair, put the CO through the ends of my hair, place it in a bun, and let sit for 5 or so minutes. Soft, shiny, and DETANGLED. Have I mentioned I have knots in my hair that Navy Seals couldn't get out? *Because CO is a solid, let the jar sit in the shower with you, it'll melt while you shampoo :)

We're gonna get a little personal here so hold on. Just kidding...kinda. I get little bumps on the upper part of my arms. No big deal, really, but once I exfoliate them and use CO as a moisturizer, all is well in the world. Okay, that's a little dramatic. You essentially could just slather yourself in CO if you want to go big and it would do nothing but benefit you :) If you're into essential oils, mix up some CO, sugar, and an oil of your choice for that scrub I mentioned earlier!

Digestion/Fat Burner
Let's be honest, CO is not tasty by itself, at least not in my opinion. So, I put it in my coffee. It requires a tad bit more time in the morning. What I'm saying is: I don't do it every day. I'll put a spoonful of CO, my creamer, and coffee into our Ninja and blend it all up. I've tried not blending it and the CO sits on top of the coffee. No bueno. Try it, it's a thumbs up!

Oil Pulling
Okay, this isn't something that I do everyday either, but when I have done it, I can tell a difference. However, if you're in a situation where you need an excuse not to talk for 20 minutes, here it is. You can do this morning & night or like me, just at night. Before going to bed, I'll place a tablespoon amount of CO in my mouth and "slosh" it around for 20 minutes. **DO NOT swallow this! This will remove bacteria from your mouth as well as being a natural teeth-whitener. After 20 minutes, spit it out (in a trashcan because it was harden and clog your sink pipes) and then brush your teeth. Tell me you don't see a difference ;)

**Brooklynn has never had a bad case of diaper rash, but I've read that a lot of mommies will use CO as a natural diaper rash remedy and have had great luck with it!

**I buy my CO from Aldi. But you can really find it anywhere. Be sure to buy the ORGANIC COLD-PRESSED, UNREFINED Coconut Oil!

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