Monday, June 8, 2015

Our Weekend

Husband was out of town Friday & Saturday so I tagged along with some of the fam all weekend. Friday we spent the morning at the gym, ran an errand, and came home to eat lunch & take naps before going to grab coffee and spend the evening downtown. Brooklynn had a blast and wore herself out (<--this is a rare occasion) running around, playing in the water falls, and chasing after all the dogs.

Saturday we spent the first part of the day at the pool. Brooklynn is getting more used to the water (but she really just prefers to eat) and also her first scraped knee. She's a trooper. Didn't bother her at all. Husband came home from Myrtle and we went to dinner to celebrate his return. Yes, he was gone for two days & yes, it felt like 7.

Saturday night when the Hubs got home from his trip, we went to dinner and grabbed some Italian Ice afterwards, hit the grocery store and called it a night! Sunday consisted of church, running around some with my sister, hanging out at VBS for a bit then wrapping up the night at the parents. Hope you enjoyed your weekend! Now to spend our Monday celebrating the birthday guy! Ya'll go wish my husband a Happy 27th! He's only my age for a short while ;)

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