Monday, June 1, 2015

Our Weekend

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! I woke up this morning feeling wiped.out. We did a tour of churches this past Tuesday-Thursday where we sat down with the student ministry teams at FBC Nashville, Longhollow Baptist, and Biltmore Baptist (and got no sleep) then came back to a pretty busy weekend and got no more sleep. Haha.

Thursday we got in from our road trip late afternoon and went to pick up Brooklynn from my parents house and then went to see some of our students graduate! Then, Friday, we had a leisurely morning with a walk around the neighborhood and then set out to do some errands.

Saturday we took a morning walk again followed by running more "church errands" as I like to refer to them as and then as a treat for Brooklynn hanging in their with us through the Walmart madness, she got Rita's ;) We then met up with some family to celebrate my BIL's Spiritual Birthday at a restaurant nearby! It's always so funny when you tell people it's your Spiritual Birthday because they either, 90% of the time, look at you like your involved in cult activity, or the other 10% look at you like "ohhh okay...that's sweet..." Well, our waitress Saturday said, "That's awesome, I'm 3!!" That was super neat!


Saturday night we went back and hung out at the parents until fairly late (late as in 9PM when you have a little one).

Sunday we worshipped then had our student ministry leaders party. Ironically, it was a year ago yesterday that we packed up the U-Haul and made the trek back to SC and I will say this - God is faithful. He was faithful in bringing us back "home" & He was faithful in providing us with the best team on the planet ... and I believe that with my whole heart. These people that we get to serve with are the cream.of.the.crop and they would do anything for our family, our church family, and those students that they love on unconditionally. The least we can do for them is to give them some food and a pool and have them go at it.

Happy Monday!

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