Tuesday, February 3, 2015

She's One Year Old

My Brooklynn girl is 1 year old today! As much as it seems like she's been here for forever, it also seems like I just had her. First of all, I'd just like to make a disclaimer. When I find out I was pregnant, it didn't hit me I was really having a baby. When I went into labor, it still didn't hit me I was having a baby. And when they put her on my chest, it still didn't hit me that I had had a baby. I think that every single person I've ever met that has had a baby had this reaction: "It was the best moment of my life."..."I cried with joy."...or "it was love at first sight." For me, I didn't experience any of those emotions. Honestly, when they gave her to me, I had no idea what to do. I wasn't emotional or over the moon. I really just didn't know what to do. We had never had babies in the family, I never babysat babies, never worked in the nursery, and didn't have friends who had babies. On a scale from 0-10 when it comes to knowing how to function with a baby, I was a 1 and that's only because I read an article or two before she was born. Saying that, know that I've always loved my child I just haven't always known how to love her. I've never questioned the Lord's plan in bringing her into our lives but I have questioned my ability to parent.

Brooklynn, you came into this world as a big surprise and you've put us on quite the ride. You've allowed the Lord to reveal things about Himself and also about myself that I never would have recognized had you not come into this world the way you did. You've taught me how to be patient, trust God's plan versus my own plan, be a little spontaneous and throw out schedules every now and then. You've shown me God's love for me and how He truly only wants what's best for His children, even when it can be painful for them. You've made me more compassionate and more merciful when I wasn't before. You've chipped away the rough edges of my heart and I love you more now than ever.  Thank you for showing me the love that the Lord has for His children. Happy Birthday, baby girl.

And one last monthly post for the books web.

Diaper size: 4 during the day & 5 at night
Clothing size: 18M
Weight: 24ish
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: She's loving books, her new "phone" from GiGi & Papa, and anything that she can shake.
Sleeping Habits: It only took one whole year but I think we may have a nap schedule down. She still goes down around 8PM and wakes around 9AM, goes for a nap from 10:30-12:30 then again from 2:30-4. 
Words: Mama, Baba (which I think she thinks is "dada" :)) 
Best Moments: Her fun personality is starting to bloom. She's so happy and very rarely fussy. Which is a complete 180 from where she's been in the past!
Hard Moments: When she doesn't get her naps. And also the fact she's growing at rapid speed :(
Fun info: Brooklynn LOVES food! She will eat anything (unless it's eggs or broccoli) She's getting in her top 2 teeth which will make 4 teeth! She moves FAST...don't blink! 

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