Thursday, February 12, 2015

Relationship Status // Week 2

Guarding your heart was the center of the message last night at Alive. We all have something to guard and it's also the most important thing about who you are. Your heart. If God died for it -- it should be worth guarding. It's time to be more intentional about what we let in our hearts.

There are two people who are battling for your heart -- God & the enemy. One is out to save you & the other is out to destroy you.

The reward for living in purity is extremely worth the fight it takes.

"Above all else, guard (continually) your heart for it is the wellspring of your life." Proverbs 4:23 (*this verse not only speaks towards relationships but sin in general)

When it comes to guarding our heart, we should play offense, not defense!

God will never ask you to do something that you can't fulfill.

God cares not only about your eternity but about your purity!

Sex is like fire. Beautiful when used in the context of marriage and kept within the confines of it. Disastrous when let outside of the parameter of marriage.

If they aren't ready to wait then they aren't ready to date.

Is your standard, "she's hot", or "he's hot."? (My husband did not say this but I will...They may be hot but so is hell. :-O

We are free to ignore the commands of God...but we aren't free to ignore the consequences. Your sin now not only affects you now. It will effect many people around you for years to come.

No guy/girl will complete you. The only one you can complete you is the one who created you.

When your heart is full of Jesus, you will go in the direction of Jesus.

Jesus died for your heart, protect it.

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