Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Day

As much as I'm way passed ready to trade my snow boots in for flip flops, snow days are fun...especially with a little one. Hope you enjoyed your snow day, if you had any. 

Snow cream...of course

Riding in style. The sweet life.

Snow in the south

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sick Baby

Happy snow day to those of you with my view! Happy sunshine to those of my people in Florida (I'm coveting your weather lately!)

We have been ver.y fortunate when it comes to Brooklynn's health but she has gotten a cold or two three in the past year and though I haven't found a way to zap it quickly (because there aren't too many drugs you can use on babies), I have found a way to keep it at runny-nose-status. Maybe these things will work for your baby, too. Actually, they all will probably work for you as an adult.

Any humidifier that works for you will work for baby. I keep Brooklynn's on low when she's stuffy. I also use a candle warmer. I think this is key to a stuffed up baby. You mix one tablespoon of Vicks Vapor Rub with one tablespoon of water and let it do it's magic. You can also pre-make Vicks cubes for your warmers if you like to be extra prepared! I use the Vicks BabyRub Soothing Ointment on Brooklynn's feet (underneath socks), chest, and back and night before bedtime. This specific rub has Eucalyptus, Aloe, Rosemary, & Lavender...all good for baby! I also love the Nosefrida that I've blogged about before here. This thing is wonderful. I give Brooklynn the Hyland's Baby Tiny Cold Tablets. We use the teething tablets, which I also love, and I love these too. They're homeopathic and safe for baby and help relieve some pain. The vaseline is used for her nose after wiping it so often. 

Next time you or baby is sick, try these. You might could even use the snotsucker on yourself ;)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saturday Hours



Fundraiser Yardsale not pictured 










9:00AM // Breakfast for Brooklynn & I. Blueberries & Oatmeal are her most favorite!

10:00AM // Trying to get ready. // Target date with Brooklynn

11:00AM // Yardsale at church for our Jamaica Mission trip!

12:00PM // Back home for Brooklynn to nap ... I mean play in her crib

1:00PM // Back at the fundraiser enjoying Chickfila for lunch.

2:00PM // Cleanin' up. Everything left goes to the Salvation Army...everything but the baby :)

3:00PM // Brooklynn's napping so I'm cleaning.

4:00PM // Putting leftover chili on the stove for dinner.

5:00PM // Hubs is home and I'm making him (he really loves it) watch lifetime with me while B still naps.

6:00PM // dinner 

7:00PM // Culpepper Designs Grand Opening. With every intention of taking a pic on my own, I failed and forgot. This one was taken by their photographer, Cureton photography, and my brother ;)

9:00PM // Home and exercising before a shower and bed! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Relationship Status // Week 3

Just like putting a hint of food coloring into water, just a hint of sexual sin can distort something. There's no such thing as safe sin, so when asked, "How far is too far?", we go straight to the source - the bible. This week we talked about fleeing...not walking...from sexual sin. Here's a re-cap.

God tries to get you as far away as possible from sin just as satan tries to get you "as close to the line as possible" to sin.

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Ephesians 5:3

You are free from the power of sexual sin but you are not free from the temptation of sexual sin. 

The biggest reason we should run from sexual sin is because Jesus gave Himself up for it.

There is no such thing as safe sex just as there is no such thing as safe sin. Sin isn't safe and neither is sexual sin.

Sexual sin shouldn't be evident on social media. Are you filling your mind with garbage based on who/what you are following on Instagram/Twitter?

It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality;....For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:3,7-8

You will never go wrong when you make God's will for your life, your will.

When we ask, "how far is too far?", we ask "how close can I get to sin?". The point isn't to get as close as we can to sin but how far can we get from sin?

"The point isn't to get as close as you can & still avoid it - it's to stay far enough away from it to be completely separated from it."

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18

Don't stay and expect to fight off sexual temptation, just RUN. 

Do we invite temptation into our lives or do we avoid it? Do we put ourselves into situations that invite sin in? Group date, never be alone, add software to your phone and computer, sleep with your doors open, don't go to bed with your phone.

If you want the software mentioned last night for your technology to help keep you accountable, go here:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ice Daze

Everyone loves a good snow ice day (or two). Is always good to slow down and do nothing...because, well, where are you gonna go when the news is telling you that you'll potentially die if you walk outside. This year I had already made peace in my heart that it wasn't going to snow. I was packing up the snow boots and getting out the flip flops. Mother Nature had other plans. So we packed up and hunkered down at my parents with the whole fam and their significant others (thankfully we all don't mind being trapped together) for 24 hours before treaking back home.

Taco soup...card games

Too much all day

...and baking

** also, not pictured, a run to Ingles for our friends Ben & Jerry (because DQ & Starbucks were scared to brave the weather conditions). We scarfed it all down before I had time to photograph it.

Hope your family enjoyed being hunkered down for a little bit with each other. Happy ice days!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sunday Photo Shoots

My mom has been wanting a really large family picture to go above her fireplace for some time now. We tried at Thanksgiving but thanks to the sun, some squinty faces, and placement issues, it didn't turn out too cute. So, we decided to pick the coldest day of the year, venture outside, set up a tripod, and with fingers crossed that Brooklynn would behave since it would be during her nap time (and Sundays are long days for her). Sundays & holidays tend to be the only day our entire family can get together and look decent enough for pictures. Thank you, Mill Street, for being good to us yesterday. I think they turned out prett.ty.good.

The secret to getting Brooklynn to look "excited"? Everyone in the family sings the Doc McStuffins theme song. People probably think we have issues but it works like a charm.

Pictures were taken by the Culpepper camera & a tripod on Mill Street in Taylors across from Due South Coffee.