Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

No, we don't really "celebrate" Halloween...but who doesn't love a reason to eat candy and watch cute little kids have some fun? This year I decided that it would probably be the only year I would get to pick what Brooklynn wore for Halloween. So, I had a little fun with it considering my life could possibly turn into all-things-princessy in the next year or two. I wanted something I could do for CHEAP because my frugal side (normally it's my husband's...) kicks in when it comes to clothes for Brooklynn. I wasn't going to pay an arm and a leg for a costume that a.) she wouldn't fit in given one more month and b.) she would destroy with her mouth. So, I opted for something cute but something I could put together using mostly things I already had.

I have to admit, the Frappuccino was not an original thought. It was a Pinterest inspiration but everything on Pinterest had babies in actual cups. Come on, that's just NOT practical given Brooklynn cannot walk. So, I altered it and just used a Starbucks stencil that I drew up and copied onto a piece of sticky green felt. I think placed that on top of a piece of white felt and stuck that onto the brown felt. Slapped some velcro on the sides and called it a day. Oh, and the headband was just some flowers glued onto a piece of elastic.

Happy Halloween, ya'll!

And then she was over it...

Also, Happy Birthday to my Mom-in-Love! We love you here in SC!! Can't wait to see you soon!!

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