Saturday, October 4, 2014

8 Months

Diaper Size: She should be in 3's but we are still trying to use up the 2's that we bought. Still 3's at night.
Clothing size: 6-9M, 9M
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: the remote control :-/
Sleeping Habits: She's been taking two 2 hr naps as of recently. Unless I'm not home during the day. She really just goes to bed whenever we get home. Sometimes that 8 and sometimes that's 10 and then she'll sleep until around 8-9AM. Those parenting books and "get your baby on a strict sleep routine and schedule" parents would pass out at our schedule. Haha!
Words: Mama...actually it's just "mamamamama" <still the same as last month!>
Best Moments: She has started clapping which is so funny! 
Hard Moments: I don't want to "jinx" anything but I think we've hit a turning point where I have to think really hard of what the hard moments are. Probably just trying to get ready on Sunday mornings while she wants to play. I've started getting up super early to get ready before she wakes up!
Fun Info: Like I mentioned above, Brooklynn is getting easier. I know that sounds terrible. She's not as fussy as she used to be, unless she's sleepy. She goes to bed a whole lot easier than she used to, though still loves to fight me on nap time occasionally. She's eating more food and less mommy, TMI probably. Actually we've transitioned to just nursing in the morning when she wakes up and at night before bed. She will turn and look if you say her name and she's starting the beginning stages of crawling. She'll rock back and forth and scoot backwards but not forward movements yet! She still loves jewelry, actually just loves to eat your jewelry, and she loves to pinch your face (which hurts...a lot.) She's grown' up!

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