Monday, November 3, 2014

9 Months

Diaper size: Still trying to use up our 2's and she's busting out of them. Still 3's at night.
Clothing size: 6-9M, 9M
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: She loves her little blocks and balls...and they keys!
Sleeping Habits: She takes two naps a day. Now, the times always change but she gets them in. She still sleeps from about 8PM (if we are home) until about 8:30AM. 
Words: Mamama
Best Moments: She waves to anyone and everyone and makes the craziest facial expressions!
Hard Moments: Separation anxiety and ensued! 
Fun info: Brooklynn is starting to figure out things that are going on! She will wave, know when we are getting ready to leave, and has started HATING the car seat! She still loves people and the more people around, the happier she is! She eats ANYTHING and can finally feed herself!!! (finger foods that is) She can't walk yet but LOVES to be on her feet or crawling all over you. And yes, we started crawling this month. Don't make her mad or she will give you her newfound stank face...which is hilarious!

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