Monday, October 27, 2014

Our Weekend

This weekend was super relaxing. Well, more relaxing than weekends past. Friday we spent the day going to thrift stores looking for suitcases for our Jamaica mission trip and Friday night we headed to Blue Ridge for the football game. Brooklynn really enjoyed the game!

Saturday we chilled at the house until my sister and her husband came over and we met my brother for lunch. Afterwards we hit up Target and headed to my parents house where we tailgated in the living room and watched all the "good" football games ;)

Since it's our first Fall with Brooklynn, I had every intention of getting the cute pumpkin patch picture of her sitting with the pumpkins and a cute bow on her head but people are getting greedy these days. Sunday we got to the patch and it was $5 a person to LOOK at the pumpkins. Then you had to buy a pumpkin after that. We passed and settled for a family picture with the goats ;)

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