Monday, September 30, 2013

Take back your land

Every once in awhile I will come across something that I read/study that resonates with me or students, because, well, that tends to be my heartbeat. However, this applies to every Christian as we wrestle with letting satan have an inch of power in our lives.

...and said to me, ‘I am going to make you fruitful and increase your numbers.I will make you a community of peoples, and I will give this land as an everlasting possession to your descendants after you.’ Genesis 48:4

"The enemy is standing on your God-given ground daring you to take possession of it. Are you going to let him have it? Or are you going to claim your inheritance? Possession is the law of the Promised Land." -Beth Moore, Believing God

For students, your God-given ground is your school. Will you stand by and watch as the enemy takes and has free reign in your hallways? Or will you stand up and let GOD "take it over" through you?

For some, your God-given ground may be your work. A place where you constantly have to stand up for what's right and lay down what's going to be successful (in earthly definition) for your company! Your God-given ground could be your family or your marriage, where the enemy may have a foothold. Will you let him conquer your household and run wild with his games? Your God-given ground could also very well be your place of worship where you see the enemy creeping in and starting to cause trouble, enlist a power-struggle, or attempting to build pride in yourself or others in leadership or the body.

Will you let him have an inch of victory for just a short period of time? Satan knows he has ultimately lost the battle, so he will creep in in other areas of our lives. Will you STAND up in his place and shove him out of the way? God is calling you to take back your God-given territory...but will you do it?

Take back your land!

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