Sunday, September 29, 2013

19 weeks & counting

No chalkboard today! With all the moving it's kinda been at the bottom of the to-do list! Next week we should be up and running again! And no I don't feel as big as this picture makes me look. Thank you, lunch! and YES the hair's been chopped...that's another post for another time ;-)

How far along? 19 weeks...almost halfway through!! 
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure
Maternity clothes: A little bit of hand-me-downs but rocking my el cheap-o maternity jeans from Ross
Stretch marks? None :)
Sleep? I sleep good just toss and turn a lot!
Best Moment this week: IT'S A GIRL! Mother's intuition! 
Miss Anything? Being able to walk up the stairs without wanting to just keel over!
Movement: Not that I'm 100% sure of! I think she may have agreed with the worship this morning but not enough to knock me off my feet! 
Food cravings? Not really...always can go for cheeseburgers though!
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: Pink & bows!
Symptoms: Lack of energy and motivation to do anything!! Also, leg cramps during the night, lots of bathroom breaks, and always thirsty! But NO headaches so I'll take the constant peeing!!
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Been a tad moody lately...I blame it on all the moving stress and three flights of stairs!
Worst moment this week: Don't really have one! My back hates me and the moving process!
Best moment this week: Should I really say it again? I get to buy lacy things!
Looking forward to: Picking up B's crib from my parents this weekend! Yes...they still have the crib I slept in & now I get to use it :)
Baby info: She's the size of a mango (1/2 lb) and 6 in. long! Certain areas of the brain are developing for her senses and there could be a possibility of hair sprouting on her head! 

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