Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Brooklynn Noel Hux

That's right, we're having a GIRL!! God bless my husband and my wallet! People continued to ask me if I wanted a girl or boy and that I had to have an opinion. But I didn't. I never cared either way, girl or boy, but I would've been shocked if that technician had said, "It's a boy!" Instead, she said "Yep, no doubt about it, that's a girl!" Cheers to my gut for being right all along! Hopefully the ultrasound doesn't indicate future behavior as it took forever for baby girl to cooperate and turn over so we could see her assets and pronounce her a girl!

So, why "Brooklynn Noel Hux"? I don't know. Ha-ha. A lot of people have significant meaning behind the names they choose. We really didn't. Brooklyn, NY was the place that husband and I took our first mission trip together but honestly, I just liked the name. And Noel was picked as we walked out of the ultrasound room, Haha! I had a list of two or three middle names in my head and Noel won. Thus, her name was "chosen".

Some things I worry about with having a girl: My wallet. Self control will be on top of the prayer list. Her teenage years...those are always a fun time! Ha! And probably just the possibility of her being a diva/drama queen. I'll be working hard to humble her from day one!

Some things I look forward to about having a girl: A future BFF, bows and lace, hopefully not as much blood and broken bones (the Lord knows I can't deal with all that), and hopefully her daddy's eyelashes!!

People asked when we found out if we were pregnant if we were "ready". I very honestly replied, "NO". So, are we ready now? Now that we've found out it's a girl? Nope. Ha-ha! Is anyone ever really ready? Maybe by the time she moves out of the house in 20 years I'll be ready. Actually, probably not!

So funny to watch her wave!

To Brooklynn,

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