Monday, September 16, 2013

17 Weeks

There's no "bump" this week well for two reasons! 1. We're moving and our residence is flipped and flopped and upside down. 2. Let's be honest, it still looks the same :)

How far along? 17 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm guessing still 7 lbs
Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans but still the same ol' tops
Stretch marks? Nada
Sleep? Once I fall asleep I'm good to go! We are moving so lately I've been!
Best Moment this week: NO major headaches! Someone cue the hallelujah chorus!
Miss Anything? Not really! Just being able to participate in the "heavy lifting" that comes with moving ;)
Movement: Not that I can recall!
Food cravings? No just still always hungry!
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: We will know next week!!
Symptoms: Backaches!!! And acne :-/
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off...they're getting tightened in the store ;)
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy...until 3am when I have to listen to unwanted episodes of Law & Order via the TV upstairs! Go to sleep people!!
Worst moment this week: Well I was told I "passed" my glucose test with a 139 (they like it under 140) but they're still sending me to a Diabetic Dr. More blood. I swear the hospital has more of my blood in vials than I have left in my body! If anyone ever needs a blood transfusion, I'm ya girl!
Looking forward to: We are moving, my sister has a wedding shower out of town, and we find out the gender all within 5 days! 

I thought it would be funny to look through some Old Wives Tales regarding baby's gender! Here's what our "outcomes" revealed! We will see how right they are! I guess we have a 50/50 chance of being right, huh ;-)

1. Belly sitting HIGH or LOW?
2. Is the Heartbeat ABOVE 140 or BELOW 140?
3. GOOD skin or BAD skin?
4. Craving SWEET foods or SALTY/SOUR foods?
5. Chinese birth chart: BOY
6. More Headaches? YES NO
8. Mayan Legend: BOY
9. Hairier legs? (ha-ha) YES NO
10. Do you sleep on your LEFT or RIGHT side?

Girl: 4
Boy: 6

We may have a little "stud" on our hands (or in my stomach...) Will my "gut" lose?? We shall SEE!!!

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