Friday, August 16, 2013

Home Is Where Family Is

Since we've been married, we've been ever-so-blessed to be able to spend some time in Florida with the Hux family and some time in MYB with the Leopard family each Summer. Most people have to pick and choose who they'll vacation with over the Summer but we've hit the jackpot and get to do a little with both. I'm not a picture taker. I don't take lots of pictures and I don't like my picture taken. I'm sure come February I'll be the most obnoxious picture-taker-ever but for now, I just benefit from my mom taking so many pictures. While away, we celebrated our 3-year anniversary along with my sister's 23rd birthday! Lots to be thankful for, like always. So, since I wasn't around to do an anniversary post, I'll leave you with three things I've learned thus far about my marriage:
1. You don't need an iron to iron your clothes. Going on three years and we've never owned an iron :)
2. Contrary to House Hunters, it IS possible to share a sink.
3. Is _________ really a hill worth dying over?

Now, pictures from our vacation :)

Here's to family,

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