Sunday, August 18, 2013

13 Weeks

Second Trimester!

Labor Signs: That'd be bad news
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
How far along? 13 weeks...Second trimester, yeah!!
Total weight gain/loss: Only time I weigh myself is at the doctor's so I'm assuming still just 2 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I've inherited lots (Thanks, Ginny) but right now wearing lot's of leggings and jeggings :)
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Gettin' those Zzzz's still and taking full advantage of it!
Best moment this week: Finally off ALL my prescription meds!! Hallelujah!! AND finally getting through the "dreaded" first trimester! Though I was NEVER sick (Praise the Lord...never puked once) I'm finally over being nervous ALL the time that something is going to go wrong! Still praying for a healthy baby all the way through, though!
Have you told family and friends: If they didn't know, they do now!
Miss Anything? Still missin' all the caffeine, sushi, and feeling useful (no one let's me lift a dime!)
Movement: No! I think I would FREAK out!
Food cravings: Fruit...though it's not really a "husband go out in the middle of the night type of craving". None of those yet! Thank goodness.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Smell of fish
Have you started to show yet: People can tell :)
Gender prediction: Still thinking girl! 
Symptoms: Dizzy when I stand up. One day I'll learn it's a bad idea to jump up.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Gender-reveal in a couple weeks and moving so I can get better lighting to take these pics!! Haha!

Here's to rounding out the first trimester,

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