Thursday, August 29, 2013

God Takeover

 Sometimes I think, "last night was something definitely worth letting the world blog-world know about." Then I think, "what could I possibly say that could iterate well enough what really happened." And then I get discouraged and go on with my day because although writing is something I'd always rather do, as opposed to speaking or taking tests in school, sometimes words can't serve the purpose you need them to. But, I'm-a-gonna-try.

We have been doing Pursuit all summer long. Most things in the summer shut down, but it's so hard to get the momentum back when Fall rolls around and we thought why not keep the students fired up coming off of their camp experiences. I was shocked at how many students we had over the summer. They weren't laying off so we couldn't either. Summer rocked. But last night was our Fall Kick-off and let's just say this, more than just our socks got rocked off. We had the highest number Pursuit has ever seen! And people can say all day that "numbers don't matter" but they do (even Jesus emphasized numbers:)). Numbers also show us that the students CARE about the lives of their friends and want them to MEET Jesus! If our "numbers" never grew, we might be making disciples but what is making disciples if they never reach others for Jesus? Isn't that what a disciple is, anyways? What about the rest of the world that will spend eternity in hell? Someone HAS to do something about reaching those people! So, we have pushed and instilled in them all summer that they have to be responsible for their friends! And so to us, the numbers matter!!

Two students (who by the way, were invited to Pursuit by two of our Seniors...enough said) stood on their feet at the end in front of 154 of their peers to proclaim Jesus for the first time! So, even though we had run-through banners, a balloon drop, t-shirt ropes that the students "helicopter-ed" around their heads as we played Sandstorm, and a "mild" (I said mild) firework display from the stage, the worship team brought their A-game and my husband gave a simple yet in-your-face realization of the power (dynamite) each one of them has living inside of them. And the Lord didn't stop there as he continued to work in the lives of students during their small group time following the service. We had a middle school girl rededicate her life and another middle school girl text later in the night confessing that she was not saved and needed to be. So, Jesus showed out last night, but we didn't expect anything less! You can look at Twitter (#Godtakeover) to read more stories!

Way to go, Pursuit...we love you and your hearts for bringing your friends to meet Jesus. It would all be pointless without your passion for your friends. Keep seeing the need and stay FIRED UP!

"When you realize the POWER inside you - you won't care about what's going on outside of you!"
"The face of our schools and our families would be drastically different if we talked about Jesus as much as Miley Cyrus has been talked about lately."
When we're passionate about something - we suffer for it. Can we suffer a little for Jesus?!?"


We're takin' over,


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