Sunday, April 19, 2015

Jamaica 2015

When we kept telling people that we were going to serve in Jamaica, you can imagine the looks we got. The eye rolls, the "yeah...rights", the "you have fun serving..." stares. And actually, they were right. It was fun and as proof, just check out the smiles on these faces. No, we weren't in Tourist-ville, Jamaica. We were in the middle of nowhere. Three hours into the "bush" far from what most would consider "civilization" but things aren't what gave our group joy...the people they built relationships with did. Jesus=JOY. Jesus Others Yourself. That week there was much of Jesus, a lot of others, and little self. I was super proud of every person that went. Every person portrayed much of Jesus and little of themselves.

I told my husband I wasn't going to post any pictures because let's be honest, the disc has nearly 600 pictures on it and how would I choose? I got the stare that told me I better post pictures. So, these aren't nearly all of the ones that I wanted to post but here's a glimpse of what our week looked like.

First night & Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Serving the "the least of these" at the Infirmary. Grab a tissue. These may bring tears.

Day 4

And...Day 5 :)

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