Sunday, April 26, 2015

Favorite Posts Of The Week

Hope you all have had a productive, but enjoyable, week. Here's some inspiration to round out your weekend!

I like to pride myself on my packing skills. I used to be such an over-packer until I started flying to FLA when Hux and I were dating and I had to fit a weeks worth of stuff in a carry on because we were both too cheap to pay for a checked bag. Ever since then I love inventing new ways to pack lighter my stuff tighter ;)

I love these posts because who doesn't want to wake up "really looking like this?"

No, I don't technically "work" from home but I do like to have a little area of the house, the living room in our case, where I can sit and have my QT, write thank you notes, or write blog posts. It's my own little space where I can be organized!

5 Easy Workouts for Beginners by Sweet Electric 
For all you folk in high pursuit of your Summer bods, I like little (no workout is little to me) workouts like these. 

Five Spring Beauty Favorites by Little Baby Garvin
I used to be a product junkie. My husband would tell you that I still am but I have actually scaled way down on the product hoarding underneath my cabinet! I just love trying new things. Some things I will repurchase forever (foreshadowing an upcoming blog post?) but with some things I like to experiment. 

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