Sunday, April 12, 2015

Favorite Posts of the Week

Amber Fillerup Clark aka Barefoot Blonde's 50 Tips for Traveling with a BABY!! 
We've never traveled via plane with Brooklynn. Mainly because we are chicken and don't feel like lugging all of her stuff through an airport. I feel like airports stress people out enough and then adding a baby? I loved this post. She addresses rude stares, luggage, and airplane procedures. So, if you travel a lot (via any kind of transportation)...this is for you!

When it comes to exercising, I'm one lazy human being. I just hate it. I hate to sweat and I hate the soreness afterwards. However, I love HIIT workouts. They're hard but it's 20 minutes. I'd rather go hard for short periods of time than spend hours in the gym. 

I know wallpaper scares some people. Most people envision walking into an old house and seeing flowers all over the wall but I LOVE wallpaper that's done well. This post makes me wanna wallpaper everything!!

No, this is not a "post" it's a blog. I came across this blog recently and I love blogs like this. One reason I've never gotten a tattoo is because I'm a super indecisive person about most things. This blog in particular. This site offers free graphics, printables, fonts, and social icons for your blog so you can change it out as you wish. You can bet you'll be seeing some on here, soon!

Wallpapering Pantry by Dear Lillie 
Another wallpapering post? Not really. Yes, this post was written about wallpapering but I love it for the organization. Our pantry bookshelf in the closet that holds our food is a disaster. This makes me want to go to the container store and beautify our pantry. Silly? Probably. But so much more practical.

Happy Sunday!

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