Friday, December 12, 2014

A Big Deal

As we continue on in our series, "A Big Deal", we were reminded that Jesus not only came to earth as our Savior but as a servant. He not only came to seek and save but to also serve and sacrifice.

In modern day, we could compare Jesus to a janitor; as He cleans up our messes often times with no recognition. Maybe a waiter; working to serve us and not be served himself. And often times, the reason we come to church is to be served..."what's in it for me?" as opposed to serving in one area or another. We not only make our lives about us but we seek to make church about us, too.
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
In many introductions to chapters in the Bible, the writer is often introduced as a "servant of Christ Jesus." If someone was to label you, would they label you as a servant of Christ Jesus?

  • If anyone had the right to be born into this world as a King in a palace, it would have been Jesus. If anyone had the right to come and be served, it would have been Jesus. But Jesus was humble and HUMILITY SERVES.
  • Jesus came to serve anybody and everybody. No one was too good or too bad to be served by Jesus.
  • What was up came down so what was down could go up.
  • Jesus sought after the type of people that we tend to avoid. 
  • Jesus didn't come to occupy a throne but He came to occupy a your place. 
  • On the first day of His ministry, Jesus washed others' feet. 
Jesus performed the greatest service of all when He died on a cross for people who hated Him & wanted nothing to do with Him. In order for us to go free, we have to accept Jesus' ransom that He already paid for us. We were guilty and Jesus paid our bail. 

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