Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2014 Alive Highlights

When we started at Fairview in June, we didn't really know what to expect. Of course we had people rave about the volunteer help that we would have and the dedication and passion that those who served in the student ministry had...but come on, they tell you that everywhere. Well, they weren't lying at Fairview. The passion and heart that we have seen displayed throughout not only the student ministry but the church as a whole has blown our minds! Here are just some of the things that we have seen take place since June in the Alive ministry!

135 NEW Guests since AUGUST 20th! 
110 Average Attendance on Wednesday nights!
62 Average attendance in Sunday School (June, 41 Now, 62)
12 Worship leaders (In June we had 3)
166 Twitter followers 300 Instagram followers 
164 Text signal contacts
44 BIBLES given away!
300 Bracelets   215 Tshirts
40 Volunteers!! (In June we had 9!)
Quality Control, Gray Room, Gym added!
$372 in cafe profit towards CAMP scholarships!
Over $1000 donated to Alive Center
Keyboard, Paint, and Futons donated!

Come join in on the greatness that 2015 is about to be! The best is yet to come!

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