Sunday, December 8, 2013

29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 lbs
Maternity clothes: Here & there. 
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? What's that? Just getting practice for when she comes ;)
Miss Anything? Energy
Movement: She's never still. Hopefully not a sign of things to come. Must get that from her daddy!
Food cravings? Nah
Anything making you sick or queasy? I actually have been queasy lately (especially when she moves a lot...tends to make me not feel so great). I think my third trimester and first trimester have switched places on me. 
Gender: She :)
Symptoms: Exhausted & crampy!
Labor signs? No but I get crazy shooting pains in my sides and I just think to myself, if she were to come now...we'd be screwed. Haha.
Belly button in or out? Or flat
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Sick of doctor visits!
Best moment this week: I was quite the Martha Stewart wanna-be this week and made some things for the nursery!
Looking forward to: Christmas break!!
Baby info: She's the size of a squash. I'm glad people don't compare each other to food. That'd be weird. She's roughly 15 inches long and weighs close to 2 1/2 lbs. The doc told me Brooklynn was gonna be a chunk-ster (another "perk" of PCOS). I guess I'm okay with that, maybe she'll sleep better and I won't always be scared of breaking her. Her eyes can now move in the sockets. She may start settling into the proper birthing position soon which makes sense because every time I stand up I feel like she just shoots on down towards the bladder!

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