Sunday, November 24, 2013

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 18-19 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Most of my regular clothes still are working for me! A few maternity things here and there!
Stretch marks? None yet!
Sleep? I have to sleep propped up but other than that sleeping pretty well!
Miss Anything? Just feeling "normal"
Movement: I'm getting used to the jabs and kicks but that rolling around business is not my favorite.
Food cravings? Bread (which I have to steer clear of) and sweets (which I also have to stay clear of) What is this life!?
Anything making you sick or queasy? Trying to get ready while I'm burning up!!
Gender: baby girl :)
Symptoms: Ready for my list? Haha just kidding. Achy ribs and back, gas (which I'm sure you wanted to know, right?) Short of breath and crampy legs.
Labor signs? Not legit labor but I have had those braxton hicks things. I used to like the name Braxton. Not anymore. Haha. They are pretty uncomfortable but still don't compare to kidney stones. Bring it on, braxton hicks. Haha!
Belly button in or out? Still hangin' in there. Pun intended.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Ready for this one? Failed my one-hour sugar test. Which was no shocker to me. The doctor basically said it'd be a miracle if I passed. Another thing to thank PCOS for. My sugar levels have nothing to do with my diet and everything to do with PCOS and genetics. 
Best moment this week: We scored a huge white dresser in perfect condition for $40 at Goodwill for the nursery. Cha-ching!
Looking forward to: My 3-hour sugar test in the morning. #saidnooneever. Thanksgiving for us starts Tuesday night and a little sugar issue won't be stopping me from pumpkin pie. Better believe that.
Baby Info: She's inhaling and exhaling with her developing lungs and she's showing brain activity. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl! I'm sorry you failed the test. :( Eat your pumpkin pie, that little pumpkin in there will love it! And love the dresser at goodwill! Those kinds of wins are huge :)
