Sunday, November 3, 2013

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 weeks...16 more!
Total weight gain/loss: I don't know... 10 + the Zaxby's meal I just had
Maternity clothes: Just a few
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep? So-so
Miss Anything? Not having to watch what I eat! :-/
Movement: The whole rolling thing makes me queasy! I might as well get on a roller coaster!
Food cravings? This week I've been a grilled cheese/pizza gal
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: Girl :)
Symptoms: Let's just say lying on the floor is so much more comfortable than sitting on the couch. What the heck. Sciatic nerve and rib drama.
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? Still hanging in there
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Just the aches and shooting pains everywhere!
Best moment this week: I finally got off my rear and registered for this little one. I figured she may need some things ;) Thanks Casey & Ginny... I'd have been totally l-o-s-t without ya'll! We also bought the crib and put it only took three attempts but since it was Saturday and we were determined to put it together in front of the football games, we failed to realize it wouldn't fit through the bedroom door. So, on the fourth try, we got it in the bedroom! #rookieparents
Looking forward to: My sister's getting married SATURDAY!
Baby info: She's the size of a cantaloupe. Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque and it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed. Now is the time to where IF she were to be born now she COULD survive (but we're praying she'll stay in there for now!)

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