Sunday, November 10, 2013

25 weeks

Excuse the weird lighting and rough appearance. It was a long weekend!! Haha!

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs. {insert the "deer-in-headlights" look}
Maternity clothes: A few... I'll need a few more just basic tanks 'n such!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Sleeping good lately!
Miss Anything? Feeling normal and not caring what I eat
Movement: Yes. She doesn't like me to fall asleep easily.
Food cravings? Just the things I can't have. Haha!
Anything making you sick or queasy? No
Gender: girl :)
Symptoms: Still just achy! 
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? How about just "weird". 
Wedding rings on or off? On. Hopefully they'll stay there!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Just feeling out of breath all the time and feeling like I can't do the things I want for being tired!
Best moment this week: My sis is a Mrs!!
Looking forward to: Putting up Christmas decorations...yes, I'm one of "those"! They're going up 
Baby info: Brooklynn measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pound. She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium (at the expense of mine. I can't stay on my feet...haha) She now knows which way is up and which is down. She's growing more fat and hair (which, if she's anything like her parents, she will be quite hairy)

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