Thursday, October 17, 2013

Offbeat Finale

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hebrews 4:13

We wrapped up "Offbeat" last night. It was a heavy night. In order to live offbeat for Him, we have to confess the things that we think we are hiding from others and the Lord. We think that because others don't see our hurt and our pain, God doesn't see it either - that He is busy tending to other peoples' needs or cares. But He sees it all. We also think that if we advertise a person who has it all together, than people will see us as a person who has it all together. But, "It's not what you advertise that counts, but what you're made out of." Last night, we saw 165 students, 11 new guests, 2 salvations, 3 rededications, and TONS of freedom for many students!!
We all think we're expert hiders!
God wants to change us from the inside out but, first, we have to let the inside out. 
There's nothing you can confess that will make God love you any less.
You may be an expert at hiding things from other people but you're a rookie when it comes to hiding things from God.
We don't expect God to love us as we are! It's okay to not be okay!
It's comforting to know He sees our every move because we know that nothing catches Him by surprise!
It's not what you advertise that counts but what you're made out of!
No matter the scars, don't hide them! Use them for His glory! Our story for His glory!
God knew the real you -- and still died for you!
Lastly, we got to hear from one of our own seniors as he courageously shared his story of pain that later turned into a story of freedom! Thank you, Parks, for being used for His glory!

Here's to the next series!!

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