Sunday, October 20, 2013

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8 lb.
Maternity clothes: A few hand-me-downs still. I refuse to go buy maternity clothes unless I just HAVE to have them! I'll just buy larger sizes! Haha. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? A little more difficult. Tossin' & turnin'
Miss Anything? Sweets & Carbs...since I'm on a high-protein/low-carb "diet" (coughcough)
Movement: Yes and it's still awkward/uncomfortable
Food cravings? No, am I really pregnant?!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Too much milk :-/
Gender: Little Miss
Symptoms: Let's see. Really achy back and feet if I stand or sit for too long, cramps, always hungry, and always out of breath
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy this week :)
Worst moment this week: I have a low tolerance for milk and I decided I wanted two glasses of it before bed last night. No sleep and spent the morning in the bathroom. Just sayin'
Best moment this week: My sister's bachelorette party Friday & Saturday! My mind got to venture out of pregnant mode into wedding mode!! :)
Looking forward to: Dragging my friends to help me register. I have not bought the FIRST thing (not even a hair bow) for this little chick. (except one box of diapers that were on clearance at Target) My doc says I need to get on it! Haha!
Baby info: Brooklynn weighs almost a pound now and is 7 to 8 inches long. Although she's filling out, her body still appears wrinkled because she lacks a significant layer of fat beneath her skin. Her nerve endings have become functional so that she can feel! She's formed lips and her eyes are complete!

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