Monday, September 28, 2015

Our Weekend

Happy Monday! Hopefully you hunkered down and stayed somewhat dry this weekend! I feel as though our weekends trough the Fall are going to be a whole lot of the very same things. Family, Friends, food, and football. Friday was an errand running day (in the rain) and Friday night we took a date night to Lieu's and Homegoods. Normally we are PF Chang-ers so it was our first time at Lieu's and it didn't disappoint.

Saturday morning we got up and took a very fast stroll in the rain mist. Brooklynn had a ball - me, not so much. We came back and threw together...literally...some tailgate food and had family and some of my brothers friends over for football. Our church is going through 40 days of fasting and praying in order to help clear some of the debt on our building. You can imagine how hard it is to prepare a meal for a family who are fasting different things. It will be more of a "BYOF" type of family dinners for the next few weeks!

Sunday was another lazy football day but that's how we like it around here. I'm so thankful that my family is OK with sitting and doing nothing (for the most part) on the weekends! Our weeks are all so crazy hectic that we live for the weekends around here. All we need are some Christmas trees around...too soon? I'm actually loving the cooler weather but it's brought 5 days of rain with it which I'm okay with as long as I don't have to go out in it. I think the only thing I dislike about cooler weather is having to bundle Brooklyn up. I consider that my workout seeing as how I break a sweat fighting with her to put shoes on. Aside from that, bring on Fall!

Sidenote: Hope you had a relaxing weekend and all your teams won :-)

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