Thursday, September 17, 2015

Game Day // Week 1

Morning all! My Alive hangover this morning is REAL as there is so much stampeding through my head. I'll share more of that at the end BUT last night we started a brand new series and it was excellent! We all know that a lot happens before game day: eating right, being prepared, & practicing.  The same should all go into our lives as we prepare for game day, every day. 

Are we preparing ourselves for the game day of life? The Christian life isn't a playground it's a battleground. There are two people competing for our lives - one that will save it and one that could destroy it. An unprepared Christian is a defeated Christian. 

Part of growing spiritually includes going through battles...but we get to face them with Jesus who reigns victorious!

We have a game plan -- The Bible!
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13
To be strong in the Lord we first have to be IN the Lord!

We are in great danger when we think that we can stand in our own strength rather than His.

We are not encouraged to put on the full armor of God ... we are commanded!

PUT on the armor - don't CARRY it!

The enemy never takes a day off. Neither should we.

Our fight is not against PEOPLE!

The question is not who will win - because God's already won. The question is who will STAND! Our responsibility is to STAND UP!

We let down our armor when we play with sin.

The quickest way for the enemy to flee from you? Submit to God.

We can't WIN without JESUS!


Now, for the stampede in my head. Our family is a firm believer in making church fun. Many disagree and that's okay but we believe that church should be the most fun place on this earth! The church should out-do the world in terms of fun! We yearn for students & adults to WANT to come to church, WANT to serve, & WANT to stay- not out of obligation but out of WANT. Whether we get them there because we feed them or we get them there because we let them blow off some steam with corn hole, we do it and then point to them JESUS every.single.time. 

Saying that, I believe last night was the tipping point in Alive Student Ministry. Last night was unlike anything we've experienced at Alive in our short time of being there. I believe our students are on the brink of revival and it was evident last night in the way they worshipped Jesus unhindered. When students are declaring Jesus as the center of their lives and His church, I get chills. And when students are making decisions and leaders are fist pumping & jumping up and down...I get more chills.

Thank you to all of our leaders (students and adults) and volunteers (students and adults). I say "students and adults" because Alive would not happen without the service of our students AND adults! I love seeing our adults shepherding our students to their potential & greatness in Jesus. Ya'll, the best is yet to come and satan isn't happy so let's "armor up!"

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