Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lord Have Mercy // Week 4

I say this a lot but last night had to be one of my favorite nights at Alive to date. The worship was outstanding and the message was on.point. It couldn't have been a better night to wrap up our series. 

Being a Christian, the Lord has your heart. The enemy can't take that from you SO he tries to take your mind! Once your heart is right, it's time to get our minds right!

The way we THINK produces how we FEEL & how we FEEL leads to how we ACT! One thought can change everything! 

Most spiritual growth takes place in our mind. It begins by focusing on our thinking. 

All sin and our obedience begin in the mind. We always think before we act. We overcome sin by changing how we THINK! 

"What gets our attention will get our affection!" -Clayton King

The primary source for changing how we think? The Word! It has to be consumed daily!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

The enemy will try and distort your view of God!

We spend an average of 7 1/2 hours on technology DAILY! Who are you listening to, watching, or following daily? The RIGHT VOICES lead to the RIGHT CHOICES! 

You can't know Gods will for your life apart from Gods word! GODS WORD WORKS but we have to put it to work!

God will never ask you to do anything that is not for our eternal good! 

Our imperfect will must be subject to His perfect will! 

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