Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lord Have Mercy // Week 2

A lot of times we sacrifice ourselves for many things. We'll sacrifice ourselves for people, things, jobs, etc. and we forget that the Lord has commanded us to live a sacrificial life - daily! Last night we learned the importance of our response to God's mercy!

If Jesus sacrificed Himself for us, why wouldn't we sacrifice ourselves for Him? The cross has done everything for us. The only thing we have contributed to it is our sin.

God's relentless pursuit should result in a radical response to Him.

If we value Gods mercies for us, we become a living sacrifice.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
You can't offer your bodies without offering your heart. He wants your body AND your soul!

Don't crawl off the alter! We can't offer part of our bodies to the Lord. He wants it all.

The greater our comprehension of the gospel leads to our greater commitment to Him.

The extent to which we do not offer ourselves to God reflects the extent to which we don't understand the depth and significance of Gods mercy.

If we value God's mercy we'll be motivated to give Him our very lives. Is God pleased with what you're doing with your body? Is he pleased with where you're taking your body?

The proper response to receiving Gods mercy is to give yourself totally to Him out of gratitude.

WORSHIP is offering our EVERYDAY LIVES to Him --> It's not just something we show up to church and DO.

In response to Gods mercy we either ignore it or repent and worship!

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