Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Look Inside My Pool Bag!

It's no secret if you read this blog or follow me on Instagram that we've been living at the pool lately. The warmer the water gets, the more Brooklynn loves it! At the beginning of the Summer, Brooklynn wouldn't go near the water and now we're chasing her down before she dives in.

It can be quite the workout to get myself and Brooklynn both to the pool so I like to keep a bag (it's normally one of those cooler bags) always packed and ready to go in the laundry room so I can just worry about grabbing it and go. I also like to try and keep my bag light and simple. 

The most important thing you can have in your pool bag if you have a toddler is *everyone say it at once*... suunnsccree ...diapers. I keep just a cosmetic bag (that can double as a wet bag) of her swim diapers, a changing pad, and wipes. Easy enough.

I never actually found a pair of water shoes that fit her feet when the summer started so she wears these jelly shoes to the pool. The concrete around our pool is HOT & there's a tile entrance to the pool that's super slippery so she keeps these on her feet while she swims and she's good to go.

Then, yes, sunscreen. I sunscreen Brooklynn before leaving the house. We either use the Banana Boat Natural Reflect Baby sunscreen or the Aveeno Baby on her body, Banana Boat Kids stick sunscreen on her face, and the Yes To Pomegranate chapstick on her lips. And as much time as we have spent at the pool this summer, we have had ZERO sunburns!

We take towels and a change of clothes for Brooklynn for the ride home. *parents of carseat children -- Be careful strapping your child into their carseat when your car is super hot. The straps get hot and can burn their legs & shoulders. Thankfully, the harnesses are plastic now and not metal but it can still get hot. This is why I put some shorts and a tee on her when we leave the pool :)

Brooklynn associates the pool with food. Actually, she associates everything and everywhere with food. You'd think she was a 15 year old boy! So, I have to be stocked with snacks. Her favorites for the pool are pretzels, oranges, "pouches", grapes, and anything that you're eating yourself. I keep a juice bag or water on me, too for her.

I'll pack her sunglasses, maybe a ball or pale for her to play with and then that's really it. Now, when we go to the beach I take Baby Powder to dust the sand off of her and yes, it works miracles at getting sand off...especially when she face plants.

Hope you've enjoyed your Summer...can you believe it's almost over? I have to say, once our vacations are up for the year, I'm ready for a little more of a routine to start, football to start, and a break from the humidity! 

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