Thursday, April 25, 2013

Walking Dead 3

"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 
2 Timothy 3:16-17

We wrapped up the third and final week of Walking Dead last night! If you missed out, here's what you missed!

  • We treat our bibles the way we treat our trophies-they sit and collect dust! Bibles aren't used for decoration but for transformation!
  • A dusty bible=a dirty life!
  • Just like medicine, the bible only works when we take it & it cures every sin!
  • If we don't want to walk dead, we must be spiritually fed!
  • We always want a word from God but we never want to read the word of God!
  • The bible's useful! It's our instruction manual!
  • We rely on 1 or 2 spiritual meals, being Wednesdays & Sundays, to get us through the week! If we went with only 1-2 meals a week, we'd be cranky & weak! 
  • We get knocked down because we leave the house being unequipped!
  • We combat the enemies lies with God's truths.
  • Some of us go into battle with a dull sword!
  • If we aren't in the word, we can't overcome the world

'Til next time,

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