Sunday, April 14, 2013

Jesus loves Starbucks, too!

I've decided to take the plunge, knowing a lot of people will not agree with me, but this is a blog right? So I guess it's worthy of my opinion! A few weeks ago my entire Facebook was bombarded with article after article and person after person telling the world how they were no longer going to give Starbucks their business (just google "Dump Starbucks if you missed out)! I thought, "this is gonna have to blow my mind in more ways than one for me to stop going to Starbucks!" Well, after reading two or three articles, I'm still giving Starbucks my business! [GASP] I decided not to post my response right away so that I could do some research on my own and hear from my Starbucks manager friend :) Now I know you're probably shocked to hear why I'm not jumping on the "Lets boycott Starbucks" wagon but if you'll let me explain, I may be able to lessen your heart rate right about now ;-) Haha! Oh, and if you're reading this thinking, she's just being rude and sarcastic...I am a little sarcastic by personality but I'm not meaning to be rude! At all! These are just strictly my thoughts and opinions!

So, why am I going to continue giving my business to Starbucks? Because I give my business to Walmart and they sell alcohol (which has caused great damage among some of my friends)! I also pump gas at gas stations that sell lottery tickets which have caused great pain amongst some people! I also buy books at Barnes and Noble where they sell inappropriate novels and magazines that wreck marriages! I've also eaten at restaurants that are owned by homosexuals! And lastly (but certainly not everything), I have bought wine to cook with at Publix!

These days, it is so difficult to be in the world but not of the be transformed and not conformed...and to love those who aren't like us!! Yet we are called to do so by Jesus himself! I just find it a daunting task to never come in contact with those outside our Christian bubbles! What good are we doing in our world if we make a bunker in the ground and live in it never to breathe life into someone or shine a light in the darkness? Isn't that our job? We can't hide from "bad stuff" and we can't pretend sin doesn't exist! The same sin in "those people" is the same sin in us and Jesus died for it ALL! He didn't go to the cross so that some of us could be saved and then hide it from others and keep it to ourselves! May we all remember that Jesus came to save the world, not condemn the world. This may be a stretch but I think Jesus would sit in Starbucks, drink his coffee, and share the love of the Father with them!

Saying that, Starbucks, you will continue to have my business...same morals or not because I'm going to make it my duty to shine a light in your establishment, drink your coffee, and show you that Jesus loves you, too!

Cheers to Caffeine :)


  1. Agreed sister! I definitely don't want to be just like all the people that boycotted Chick Fil A. If we become just like them, how are we being different? (and, well, they were just missing out on some amazing chicken, sweet tea, and waffle fries!)
    I'll still take a Starbucks tall hot chocolate with whip, thank you very much :)

  2. My thoughts exactly! When will we learn that throwing stones and boycotting places doesn't work?! My beliefs have never changed but thankful God has tendered my heart to deal with those who don't believe as I do in a different way. I'll be at my local Starbucks too just as I believe Jesus would be. Btw, your gift for sarcasm is an inherited gene sorry, not sorry. Love you!!
