Monday, February 25, 2013

Know God--->Show God

 This weekend Pursuit students ventured to Cedar Grove Retreat Center for a little retreat action. We wanted to focus on building relationships and knowing God so that we can better show God. I loved this weekend because being still fairly knew to Team Church, I got to better know some of the kids and leaders who are hysterical and loving! I obviously don't want this post to be three pages long (although that would be easy) but if you're anything like me, you won't read'll just skim it! So, for that reason, I like bullet points. I like simplicity. And I like catchy-easy-to-remember-one liners! So, here we go. This is what we hammered home in all four sessions this weekend:

  • When we don't view God correctly, we risk worshipping God for not who He truly is, but who we've created Him to be! 
  • Our view of God affects the way we pursue Him and the way we live!
  • How can we change the way the world views God? By the way Christians live!
  • Our God is a promise maker...& a promise keeper! What are we blaming God for?
  • The only way to not waste your life is to chase after Christ! What we we doing that is wasteful?
  • What relationships need to be restored in order to no longer waste time?
  • Sometimes, we as Christians, do more harm than good! Are we shaming the name we are claiming? 
  • What part of Jesus do we not want to shine through in our lives?
  • If a non-believer had to characterize Jesus by looking at our lives how would He be portrayed?
  • The world is so dark but we carry the Light. Others need our Light to see in the dark!
  • All of us create a city on a hill that cannot be shaken!
  • Don't walk around covering up the Light! 
We call our student ministry "Pursuit"- Pursuing God and loving others! One of our own worship leaders, Katie Balich, wrote an original song for our ministry called "Pursue" and we were able to debut it this weekend! Ultimately our longing for these students is that they will chase God and love everyone and we wanted them to get that this weekend! Here are some ways in which God worked this weekend! 

We also partied a little...

And played in the mud...

And roasted s'mores!


Hux & I LOVE you guys and gals and are PROUD of your pursuit for the Lord and you're LOVE for all people! Thank you for being excellent, obedient, and open to what Christ wanted to do in your life this weekend! Don't hold anything back in your chase. We're already looking forward to next year!! BUT...Summer camp first...get ready!! :)

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