Thursday, February 7, 2013

BOY meets GIRL

This week kicked off our new relationship series at Pursuit, "Boy meets Girl". As Hux mentioned last night to the students, we decided to call it that for a reason! Boys/Men are the ones that are to pursue the girl in the relationship yet nowadays it's becoming more popular for the girl to do the chasing!

Some points I jotted down from last night that were right on the money:

  • Before you date, your relationship with God must be GREAT! (If you know anything about my husband, you know he's a rhymer ;) Another human (sinner) cannot fulfill your life! This is why so many young people break up and "life is over!" They were using someone else to "complete" a whole in their heart only God can fill! God should be the center of our worship, not someone else...because they will fail us. 
  • It's better to be lonely & single (with God) than in a relationship and miserable! Remember two sinners doesn't equal 100% happiness, it equals double the sin ;)
  • Are you being the person someone else is looking for? We all have our "perfect person" in mind...down to a tee. But are we working on ourselves just as much?
  • God is the manufacturer of our bodies...therefore, He knows how the work and function best! (Just like a car manufacturer knows their car better than anyone!) Don't let something unholy (sexual fulfillment) enter something holy (our bodies)!
  • GOD DOESN'T MAKE JUNK! Are you selling your body? Or your heart?
Once the video goes up online, I'll put it up on here...don't you just love modern-day technology? ;-)

'Til next time!

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