Monday, May 23, 2011

"Monday Morning Commentary"

If you follow my mom's blog you know that every Monday she writes a post entitled "Monday Morning Commentary" where she blogs about my dad's message from the previous Sunday. Well...{drum roll please}...Michael preached yesterday because it was the graduate recognition service soooo I get to follow in my mother's footsteps, once again, and blog about my husband :)

Yesterday was bittersweet as our seniors were recognized. We've only been with them for 6 months but it felt like MUCH LONGER as we heard there parents read letters to them and as they gave their fellow youth group advice for their years left in middle school and high school. So here's to Haley, Alexis, Logan, Chelsie, Jordan, Ryan, Robbie, Brett, and "Halfton"...Good luck to you all :)

Yesterday, Michael challenged them to make an appointment with God, keep their appointment with God, and enjoy their appointment with God. He posed many interesting thoughts such as, "how can we lead people to godliness if we are not regularly encountering God?" We can't encourage others to spend time with God if we aren't making our appointment to meet with him ourselves. Most of us feel guilty missing church or missing other important meetings but do we feel guilty when we miss our daily time with God? 1 Peter 2:1-3 was essential yesterday. We are to be like newborn babies who crave pure spiritual milk so that we may grow up in our salvation. Babies will not grow if they do not have milk, so as Christians, we cannot grow without the Word. The Word is pure; it doesn't need anything added to it or subtracted from it.

 Though that's only a portion of what he talked about yesterday, he rocked the house (and I don't say that because I'm somewhat biased ;))

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