Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Tuesday! {May Favorites}

I'm starting something new...maybe you'll like it :) At the end of every month I'm going to try to post a "monthly favorites" post that includes all the things that I have been loving from that month! So...here's my loves from May - enjoy :)

{Sidenote}Those of you that know me the slightest bit, know that I have one weird obsession for nailpolish! I own probably 50 polishes! Maybe one day I'll do a "polish post". But this month I've had two favorites that I've worn constantly!
Orly : Fancy Fuchsia (My husband loves this one, LOL!)

Essie : Topless and Barefoot (Nailpolish names crack me up!)

Liz Marie
Liz Marie...My most favorite design blog right now!

Long Sweaters...with this May weather, I never know what to wear...so I throw these over everything! I have this one from Old Navy in grey that I got for a whopping low price on clearance!

Layered bracelets

Viva La Juicy Perfume by Juicy Couture. I have been eye-ballin' this perfume for QUITE some time now ... then I saw it in Home Goods marked down from $50 to $27.99 Cha Ching :)


Dry Shampoo! I've used the TRESemme FreshSTART for practically the whole month of May...and before that! Love this stuff! It helps me go more than one day without washing my hair! I've just recently started using the Suave Dry Shampoo and the scent is still great and it feels a lot lighter...we will keep using it though to see if I'm convinced that it's better!
mark.'s just pinched color. I use the Cheeky (far left) and LOVE IT!! I use it as blush and a lip color. It stays on and gives me that "dewy face" look that I love! *you can buy it here :)

Hope you enjoyed my May fav's! It will be a few weeks before I post again because we head to Garden City Chapel Beach Camp with the students on Sunday for 5 dayssss!! Please keep them (and us leaders) in your prayers!!


Monday, May 23, 2011


Over the last two weeks I have found some projects to keep me busy around the house! Check 'em out...

I made this "Coffee-filter lampshade". All you need is a lampshade, hot-glue gun, and LOTS of coffee-filters (I think I went through about 500.) This took me about a week to finish so if you wanna jump on board the "coffee-filter lampshade" train, be prepared!

To make the shade: Take a coffee filter, fold it in half, fold it in half again, then fold it in half again. Fold the bottom (pointy side) to the top. Hot glue the bottom to the shade :)

The next little DIYer took about 5 minutes. I took 3 mason jars, 3 hydrangeas, two shades of white paint, and some scissors and made cute new vases by painting the inside of the jars :)

 Lastly, I painted a tray we have on our ottoman. It was a light wood and I wanted a "worn, white and light" vibe.

Happy Wednesday :)

"Monday Morning Commentary"

If you follow my mom's blog you know that every Monday she writes a post entitled "Monday Morning Commentary" where she blogs about my dad's message from the previous Sunday. Well...{drum roll please}...Michael preached yesterday because it was the graduate recognition service soooo I get to follow in my mother's footsteps, once again, and blog about my husband :)

Yesterday was bittersweet as our seniors were recognized. We've only been with them for 6 months but it felt like MUCH LONGER as we heard there parents read letters to them and as they gave their fellow youth group advice for their years left in middle school and high school. So here's to Haley, Alexis, Logan, Chelsie, Jordan, Ryan, Robbie, Brett, and "Halfton"...Good luck to you all :)

Yesterday, Michael challenged them to make an appointment with God, keep their appointment with God, and enjoy their appointment with God. He posed many interesting thoughts such as, "how can we lead people to godliness if we are not regularly encountering God?" We can't encourage others to spend time with God if we aren't making our appointment to meet with him ourselves. Most of us feel guilty missing church or missing other important meetings but do we feel guilty when we miss our daily time with God? 1 Peter 2:1-3 was essential yesterday. We are to be like newborn babies who crave pure spiritual milk so that we may grow up in our salvation. Babies will not grow if they do not have milk, so as Christians, we cannot grow without the Word. The Word is pure; it doesn't need anything added to it or subtracted from it.

 Though that's only a portion of what he talked about yesterday, he rocked the house (and I don't say that because I'm somewhat biased ;))

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tassel = Hassle

As many of you know...I have had quite the college experience. I started college at USC-Aiken after graduating high school in '05. Needless to say, USC-Aiken and I didn't get along too well. It just wasn't for me. Feeling bad about spending my parents' money, knowing that I wasn't happy, just did not sit well with me. I took a year off from school and just worked full time while I prayed about where God would have me. After the year off, I transfered to Anderson University only to find out that 29 of my 64 credits from USCA transferred. You can only imagine. Sooo, I spend three years at Anderson going from an Interior Design major to a Christian Ministry major. Though I would have rather spent only two years there, God worked. Needless to say, I gues the tassel was worth the hassle as I graduated this past Saturday.
Lots of people have asked the famous question, "What are you going to do now? Do you have a job?" Well...I don't know and no. Having a husband that is in student ministry does not really allow for me to have a normal job. If you look at our yearly youth calendar you would quickly notice that there probably wouldn't be an organization that would jump at the opportunity to hire me as I would have to ask off of work...well, a lot!! So, I'm in the process of praying for God to show me how I can help our household financially...while using my degree (of course!) However, in the down time that I have (and I have lots of it...not necessarily a good thing...I like to be busy!!) I will do a lot of cleaning, DIY projects, and other odds and ends to keep me going! Though I am currently taking opinions on where I should look for income (aside from selling mark.cosmetics)

Enjoy your Tuesday :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

To Our Mamas

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Proverbs 30:28

This Mother's Day, I'm blessed to have two mamas. Two mamas that have raised their children in the Lord, gave advice through the joys and pains of life, and have always been at the right place at the right time in the lives of their children.

Thank you for sacrificing your own life for the lives of your 4 kiddos. Thank you for loving us in a sacrificially, unconditional, never wavering kind of way. Thank you for being the person that could always give us the love of a mother yet also the love of a best friend! Thank you for the many road trips you have made and still continue to make in order to support all of your children in everything that they do. You are a true example of Christ in all that you do and if I can end up (one day) to be just a smidgen of the kind of mother you are, I will consider myself blessed. I love ya, girlfriend :)

Mama Hux,
Thank you for never treating me as though I was not your own. You have opened your arms so wide so that I may be a part of your family. Thank you for your guidance, encouragement, support, and continual love that you show towards me. I could not have inherited another second mama like you and for that, I thank God. Thank you for raising a son that walks in the image of Christ. I credit you for the husband that he is to me. XXOO.