Orly : Fancy Fuchsia (My husband loves this one, LOL!)
Essie : Topless and Barefoot (Nailpolish names crack me up!)
Liz Marie...My most favorite design blog right now!
Long Sweaters...with this May weather, I never know what to wear...so I throw these over everything! I have this one from Old Navy in grey that I got for a whopping low price on clearance!

Layered bracelets

Viva La Juicy Perfume by Juicy Couture. I have been eye-ballin' this perfume for QUITE some time now ... then I saw it in Home Goods marked down from $50 to $27.99 Cha Ching :)

Dry Shampoo! I've used the TRESemme FreshSTART for practically the whole month of May...and before that! Love this stuff! It helps me go more than one day without washing my hair! I've just recently started using the Suave Dry Shampoo and the scent is still great and it feels a lot lighter...we will keep using it though to see if I'm convinced that it's better!

mark.'s just pinched color. I use the Cheeky (far left) and LOVE IT!! I use it as blush and a lip color. It stays on and gives me that "dewy face" look that I love! *you can buy it here :)
Hope you enjoyed my May fav's! It will be a few weeks before I post again because we head to Garden City Chapel Beach Camp with the students on Sunday for 5 dayssss!! Please keep them (and us leaders) in your prayers!!