Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Weekend

Better late than never, right? It's been a crazy busy last couple of days week. From our church's Fall Festival to a day spent with my little family downtown to a day spent with my big family watching football to a special offering day at church and rounding out Monday with seeing 21 football players say "yes!" to Jesus in a movie theater. 

And...occasionally Blogger and I get into arguments and I lose which is why all the pictures are on the left side instead of in the middle. SO, if you're OCD like I am, I apologize for you having to cringe the whole way down but I threw up the white flag.

Like last Halloween, I wanted something easy, cheap, and something I could whip together myself for Brooklynn. Knowing her, too, I know that it needed to be something she'd keep on! Haha! So I grabbed a tutu, some tassels. And a feather and whipped this Indian costume up. I'm sure next year she will tell me what she wants to dress up as but until then, we do simple! She camped out at the petting zoo the whole night. That's the closest she'll be to having her own dog for the time being! 

Friday we spent the day downtown. We are normally held up in the house on Saturdays in front of the TV so we like to get out on Fridays. Brooklynn got to see more doggies, duckies, and "wata". We finished out Friday with the last high school football game of the regular season.

Halloween was spent watching football, painting pumpkins, eating taco soup and waiting for the THREE trick or treaters to show up. 

Hope you all had a fun Halloween... but you know what that means...

It's time for Christmas because the Hallmark Channel and the Haywood Mall said so.

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