Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Getaways, Showers, Birthdays, & A New Blog?

Every once in awhile, Michael and I will sneak off for the night and leave the kiddo with my mom. I've said it here before, I love my child. I couldn't imagine life without her. Buuuuut Mama needs a break occasionally. Amen? I haven't done a Brooklynn update on here in awhile, so here's a reader's digest version: She thinks she's three. Everything that comes with those 2's & 3's that people warn you about from the moment you announce that you're pregnant. We are there. And we aren't even 2 yet. The "I'll just throw myself on the floor and pout"... "everything is MINE"... "entitlement" ... "I'm going to scream for an hour in my crib so I don't have to nap" ... It's real, ya'll. Maybe she'll get it out of her system early? One can hope :) On the other hand, she can be so super sweet. She'll freely give out kisses, hugs, & "knuckles" (if she's feelin' it). She'll say "wuh you" and demand to watch "mitty moush" with a "nack" the SECOND I put her in her carseat. If I had the patience to sit with her in my lap and read or let her take my hand and drag me around the house all day, she would. I really just follow her around all day cleaning up her messes behind her. 

Like I was saying, we needed a night away. So we escaped to Asheville and ate at one of our favorite restaurants, grabbed starbucks, hit the outlets, mall, and made ourselves myself sick eating comfort food. 

If anyone wants to bless my heart with an early Christmas gift...;)

Greer's first playoff game was Friday and so we made it through the first half with all smiles!

Saturday was like any other. Football, family, and food.

Sunday we celebrated with my future sister! Her sweet MOH threw her such a fun shower and we had a blast laughing, crying, and embarrassing her ;) Now I'm not going to lie, I've always been a little nervous as to who my brothers would marry because the love that our immediate family shares is so strong. BUT when I met Kaylin as she was just finishing middle school (I KNOW!), we all just knew she was the one. We are SO thankful that they both followed the Lord and ended up back in each other's lives. Our God is a great orchestrator if we let Him do it in His own timing!

Sunday night was the only night that our family would all be together this week so we headed to Stephen's favorite place to eat, Lake Bowen, for his birthday which is TODAY! Ya'll. My baby brother is 24. What in the world...

P.S. Give me some time on here, Blogger refuses to be my friend, lately. Which is the reason for the lack of posts. For some reason, the formatting just wants to do it's own thing. I'm trying to find a way to switch over to a new host without losing all my posts. Ideas are welcome but hang with me!

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting ready to start a new one in Wordpress with just a link to my old one I think.
