Thursday, September 25, 2014

What you REALLY need for Baby!

When I first found out I was pregnant, after the shock of actually being pregnant wore off, the shock of all things I would have to have for her set in. Friends of mine took me to register because what first-time mom really knows what you need? When I walked into BuyBuyBaby, my thoughts were..."are you kidding me?"

If you ever plan to raise a baby in your lifetime, I hope to save some of the minor heart flutters I endured after walking into BuyBuyBaby and seeing all of the things "I just HAD to have". Contrary to popular belief, you can raise a baby on a few key things and though some things are nice luxury things to have for baby, they aren't necessarily necessary ;-)

Here's what we found super useful for Brooklynn in her first few months of life! 

1. SnotSucker by NoseFrieda- Okay. Every time I talk to someone about this little gadget I get the most discusting looks. It's not as bad as it sounds. Brooklynn didn't get sick until about 7 1/2 months so this is a new purchase for us though I had heard people rave about it prior to us buying it. You stick one end in your baby's nose and you suck the snot out. Don't freak...there's a filter and it doesn't get in your mouth. So, toss those aspirators they give you at the hospital (they did nothing for us!) and pick up one of these because they work WONDERS!

2. Footie PJ's - This kinda goes without saying. You'll want footie-pajamas for your baby BUT I prefer the button up ones. Now most people like the ones that just zip down the front (like my husband) and yes, those are way easier, but when you're changing your babies diapers in the middle of the night (it was winter in our case), the button ones allow you to change your baby without their whole body being exposed. They can stay warm by just unbuttoning the bottom :)

3. Aden & Anais Swaddle Blankets - We did not use these to swaddle Brooklynn. I will talk about that in a second. We actually bought these around 4M because I wanted a blanket for her that she could put in her mouth (because that's where everything goes) without fleece and fuzzies coming off, in which case gave her hairballs. I don't know why I waited so long to purchase these. They're perfect for covering your car seat (if you do that kinda thing...we never did), or to just cover them up at night. They're also perfect and big enough for nursing in public if you prefer that, too (I'm not that brave). Plus, she LOVES them. 

4. Munchkin bottle brush - Pretty explanatory. Use it to this day. Perfect for cleaning out the small brush nipples.

5. SwaddleMe - I recommend these as baby shower gifts. My mother-in-love bought these for us when Brooklynn was born and let me tell saver. Brooklynn, from day one, broke out of her blanket swaddles. Plus, who wants to spend 10 minutes trying to swaddle their baby back after a 3AM feeding? Not me.

6.Homedics Sound Machine - Not JUST this sound machine...but any sound machine in general. It gives you the freedom to be able to sit down without worrying you'll wake the baby. Plus, the projector is pretty cool, too...though that part just went out on us :-/

7. Video Monitor - We have a Lorex which I found on zulily. We love our video monitor. The only con to this specific one is that I have to manually go in and move the camera if she gets out of view. I've heard great reviews on the Motorola monitor, though! I just don't know how anyone lives without being able to see their baby. Ahh, modern technology.

8. Eddie Baur Mirror - Again, any mirror for your rear-facing traveler is so helpful!!

9. Aden & Anais Burp Bibs- I LOVED these! They're huge because we all know that spit up (and vomit in our case) doesn't just land in a little puddle, it gets everywhere. These are great for burping and now great just as a bib.

10. Boppy - These things are a must! I STILL use mine for Brooklynn's morning and nighttime nursing sessions. Even if you don't plan on nursing your babe, I used mine for the first two weeks after leaving the hospital to SIT ON! It saved my life.

11. Swing + Bouncer combo- YOU NEED THIS! Brooklynn slept in a swing for the first 4-months of her life because she had reflux and wouldn't sleep laying flat. The only thing I would recommend is finding a bouncer that you don't have to manually bounce. That gets old :)

I know this was lengthy but I hope it was helpful. Happy baby shopping!

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