Weight: 14.9 lbs
Diaper Size: 2s during the day & 3s at night. She had been wetting the bed every night and my genius friend Ginny suggested going up a size a night (thank you ;)
Clothing size: 6-9M
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: Mirrors!
Sleeping Habits: I think we may have a winning schedule going. For the beginning of the month, we still weren't sleeping much. However now, she's been getting in about 2 good 1-2 hr naps a day and an occasional cat nap in the early evening. She's also been sleeping from about 8pm (when we are home...an occasional 9-10pm bedtime when we are out) until about 8AM. Occasionally she will wake up around 2AM but go back to sleep fairly easily.
Words: Mama...actually it's just "mamamamama" Haha!
Best Moments: SLEEPING finally :-)
Hard Moments: Her poor bathroom skills. It's so painful to watch her go poop. She's not quite used to the solid poop yet!

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