Tuesday, September 9, 2014

7 Months!

Weight: 14.9 lbs
Diaper Size: 2s during the day & 3s at night. She had been wetting the bed every night and my genius friend Ginny suggested going up a size a night (thank you ;)
Clothing size: 6-9M
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: Mirrors!
Sleeping Habits: I think we may have a winning schedule going. For the beginning of the month, we still weren't sleeping much. However now, she's been getting in about 2 good 1-2 hr naps a day and an occasional cat nap in the early evening. She's also been sleeping from about 8pm (when we are home...an occasional 9-10pm bedtime when we are out) until about 8AM. Occasionally she will wake up around 2AM but go back to sleep fairly easily.
Words: Mama...actually it's just "mamamamama" Haha!
Best Moments: SLEEPING finally :-)
Hard Moments: Her poor bathroom skills. It's so painful to watch her go poop. She's not quite used to the solid poop yet!
Fun Info: Brooklynn is so attentive. She pays attention to everything and watches everyone. She's sure to make you feel self conscious about yourself. She tries so hard to scoot and get places but just can't and that frustrates her so much! She loves peek-a-boo and anyone that will give her the littlest bit of attention. She'd rather eat table food than her own food. She's started drinking some water and loves it! Her favorite foods are: sweet potatoes, fruit, & anything sweet (like her daddy) She also for some reason finds excitement in watching tennis...haven't figured that one out yet. She loves being bounced and thrown in the air...basically just keep her moving and she's a happy camper. 

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