Friday, May 16, 2014

"Most mommys would give anything for this."

It's 2:45am and I just told husband that this is the worst week of my parenting life (okay mayyyybe a little dramatic but no really) thus far. And I even feel bad saying that knowing the pain two little families are having to live through from losing their little ones in the last couple of weeks. It's amazing how fast stories of people you've never heard of fly around social media. My sob story is just that in comparison to theirs...a little bit of sobbing. 

As I lye here sleep deprived feeling as if B is only 2 weeks old instead of 14, I'm reminded of a poopy diaper I changed back when we first brought Brooklynn home from the hospital. At my baby shower, everyone wrote "funny" things (and some deep inspirational prophetic words, haha) on a pack of diapers that I quickly went through during night feedings. Along with the "ipood", "oh crap!", and "this ones for daddy" diapers, there was one that said, "some mommys would give anything for this." I don't know who wrote it but they should know this: That has gotten me through way more than one poopy diaper. It's gotten me through growth spurts, the beginning stages of teething, and now the transition to crib "sleeping" that B is not doing much of. 

This week both of our swings, which were the only things B would sleep in, stopped swinging for one reason or another so that meant crib livin for Miss Brooklynn-girl. She sleeps well during the day then the sun goes down and she's all in a tissy at ungodly hours such as 2:45am (hence why I'm venting to the internet). But most mommys would give anything for this. 

To top getting no sleep off, husband was sick last weekend and the beginning of this week and I've been a sick dog since Tuesdayish. Needless to say we exhibit the true meaning of walking dead in the Hux household this week. But most mommys would give anything for this. 

I spend most of her crying hours trying to figure things out...cause that's what I do...I solve the problems. Is she too cold? Too hot? Maybe she didnt get enough to eat. Does she wanna be unswaddled, swaddled, or one arm out?, does she need to be inclined? Is it too dark or too bright? Maybe the sound machine isn't loud enough. Or maybe she's just a baby and babies cry. Then I look over her crib to give her a paci and she smiles and opens her mouth real big. Most mommys would give anything for this. I may have to wear more under eye concealer tomorrow but I think I'll be okay. I think we'll all make it. Most mommys would give anything for the dark circles and the crying. We have much to be grateful for.

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